●Spending Time With In-Laws●

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As soon as the couple reached the door, Beomgyu lifted his arm to knock, but to his surprise, the door opened before he could even reach the surface. And by the time he realized that Mr. Kang was standing there, his closed fist accidently knocked Mr. Kang's forehead, who stared at him in confusion. 

Beomgyu looked at the older man, mortified. He could hear Taehyun snort besides him. "I'm so sorry, dad. I was about to knock on the door, when all of a sudden the door opened-" 

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Mr. Kang laughed, stepping aside to let the two come in. "Taehyun's mother saw you both from the living room's window, so that's why the door opened." He chuckled. 

Taehyun bit his lips to contain in his smile as he walked in, still not over Beomgyu's look of mortification and his father's look of confusion. 

As soon as he dropped his bag on the wooden floor of his home, he hugged his father. "How is it going with you two?"

Mr. Kang hugged him back. "Everything's fine. Your mother is being annoying as well-" He got cut off by Mrs. Kang's voice in the kitchen. 

"I heard that!" 

"You heard wrong!" Mr. Kang argued back, chuckling. "And the house seems empty these days. Since, you're not here, obviously. But Soobin and Kai do visit every two weeks. Which reminds me of, why can't you visit us?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. 

"Too busy with marriage duties?" Mr. Kang asked, watching at how the couple's turned beet red. 

"Nonsense." Taehyun rolled his eyes, his face still beet red as he walked towards his kitchen. 

Mr. Kang then suddenly noticed Beomgyu standing next to the couch, awkwardly. He smiled and motioned Beomgyu to take a seat on the couch. "Take a seat, Beomgyu. Don't hesitate." 

Beomgyu nodded and took a seat on the couch, Mr. Kang sat on his left, on a brown reclining chair. 

"How's marriage life going?" Mr. Kang asked. "Is it difficult to live with our Taehyunnie?" 

Beomgyu immediately shook his head with a chuckle. "Definitely not! He's very easy-going." Now that was a lie, and he knew it. "We divide chores and it's pretty much peaceful." 

A white lie right there. 

Taehyun, who just came into the room, sat on the arm of the reclining chair on which his father was sitting. "Dividing chores, I see." Taehyun raised his eyebrows and gave a smirk to Beomgyu, who glared at him. 

"How is the house we got for you both? It was my wife's and Mrs. Choi's choice." 

"It's very beautiful indeed. Spacious but minimalistic-" Taehyun was about to speak further but got interrupted. 

"Oh shush, I didn't ask for your opinion. I was asking about Beomgyu's thoughts." Mr. Kang said with a chuckle, obviously joking. 

Beomgyu couldn't contain his laughter. He had to say, this was funny for absolutely no reason. He doesn't know if it was Mr. Kang's savage comebacks or Taehyun's embarrassed pout. 

"Fine," Taehyun got up with a huff. "Enjoy your time with your dear son-in-law and just forget about your blood-related son." Taehyun said, sassily rolling his eyes and walking away to the kitchen. 

Beomgyu's eyes followed the younger's retreating figure. 

"He's probably going to the kitchen to complain to his mother." Mr. Kang chuckled as he took the TV's remote from the stand. "He was always like that since he was a kid." 

Taehyun's father was surfing through the channels of the TV when he suddenly asked. "You were Taehyun's friend from high-school, right?" 

And Beomgyu choked on his own saliva. Hell, even Taehyun peeked his head out of the kitchen with a flabbergasted expression. 

Beomgyu looked towards Taehyun with a pleading look but Taehyun ignored him, going back to talk with his mother. 

Beomgyu internally cursed the younger out or leaving him in the situation. "Uh, y-yeah. Why do you ask?" He just hoped that Taehyun's father didn't find out about his relationship with his son. 

"Nothing, I remember that your father told me about it, about Taehyun being your friend." Mr. Kang said with a smile. "Isn't it a funny coincidence?" 

Now, Beomgyu genuinely doesn't remember from when he mentioned Taehyun to his dad. "I wouldn't say we were friends.. We were just in the same class."

How was he supposed to say that he was literally in a two year relationship with Taehyun? How was he supposed to say that he wasn't present in this house for the first time? 

How was he supposed to say that he sneaked in this house all those late nights, five years ago? 

He didn't know it either. 

He was about to go in the deep state of the past, when his attention was captured by the sports playing on the TV. 

"I hope you like soccer." Mr. Kang said, not taking his eyes from the TV. 

"I sure do." Beomgyu replied with a smile, his attention completely on the TV now. 


And just like that, the father-in-law and the son-in-law duo was immersed into the soccer match. And it unintentionally brought Beomgyu to the time when he played soccer for his school. 

He still had the biggest trophy of his life displayed in his parent's house in Korea. 

"Guys, it's time for lunch!" Taehyun voice broke out in the living room. And Mr. Kang sighed. 

"Just when it was getting interesting." He rolled his eyes. And Beomgyu chuckled, he can definitely say that Taehyun got his sassiness from his father. 

It was wholesome. 

However, Beomgyu's jaw dropped when he saw the amount of food decorated on the table. Hell, there was barely even space on the table! 

And just at the moment, his stomach quietly rumbled. Well, consider this as his greatest meal of life. 

(No offence to his mother, though.)

"I hope you like it, Beomgyu~" Mrs. Kang smiled as he sat down on the chair. 

Beomgyu eagerly nodded, picking up his chopsticks. "If it's made by you, then of course, I surely well." 

"I'm glad, I made sure to cook all of your favorite dishes." 

Taehyun looked at his mother with a gasp. "So this is why, there isn't a single dish of my favorite choice! I feel so betrayed." 

Mrs. Kang shushed him and Taehyun sunk into his chair, quietly pouting. 

"Why did I even come here? I should've stayed at home." Taehyun said, quietly picking up his chopsticks with a pout. 


- This was meant to be posted for tomorrow, but I'm going to a sleepover with my gang, so enjoy this update<3

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