Chapter 3: Brave New World

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Solaris opened his eyes from his slumber in an unfamiliar room. He studied his surroundings. He was in some sort of cell, but it seemed ancient. The room smelled of mold and mildew. The bars that were holding him in were made of crude iron, enough to keep in any prisoner who was he was. What sort of medieval bullshit is this? He was in his normal clothing. He remembered that he fell asleep on the futon like he always does. However, he was a little tired so he didn't bother removing his equipment, so why were they gone? How did he end up in this room without waking up? Was he teleported? Too many questions and none of them could be answered. Just then, a guard, dressed in classic steel knight armor plating, approached his cell. "Prisoner," then he noticed Solaris' eye and made a face of disgust, "You devil. Your time has come."

"Where am I?"

"You need not know. After all, your execution is today."


"Yes, it has been decided that he who bears the Calamity Mark must be executed today or doom will befall us all." The guard smirked, "Good riddance you damned foul being."

"So what? Are you here to escort me?"

"Are you a fool?" The guard laughed, "Why would they send only one guard to escort the Calamity Marked?"

"So you're alone," Solaris stated. He approached the cell door. "STAY BACK!" The guard ordered. He drew his blade, threatening Solaris. Solaris gripped the cell bars ignoring the empty threat. "I SAID BACK!" The guard thrusted his sword, but that was what Solaris was aiming for. He dodged the attack and grabbed the guard's arm. "UNHAND ME!" Solaris could tell, the guard was too scared, terrified of the "Calamity Mark." He jerked the guard's arm towards the cell, causing the guard to crash into the cell bars. The guard recoiled from the attack and backed away; however, he dropped his sword in the cell. Solaris picked up the blade. It was a simple steel broadsword, like those he saw in books and movies used by soldiers of old. He scoffed, I really am in some medieval world. He gripped the bars once more. This time the mark on his hand glowed, and with that he bent the cell bars and freed himself. The guard dropped to the ground in fear, quaking. Solaris approached him and scoffed, "Even here I'm a calamity." He left the guard alone and headed for the exit on his left. "No you won't escape," the guard whispered to himself as he stood. He lunged at Solaris attempting to restrain him. Solaris swiftly avoided the guard and incapacitated him with a quick strike to his neck. He sighed, "Even here, I'm a monster huh." He headed to the exit and when he opened the door, there was a whole room full of guards. The door connected to the lounge of which the guards rested. For a second, both parties stared at each other, baffled by what just occurred, then it was chaos. All the guards began to attack and restrain him at once, all the while Solaris avoided and fended them off. The word spread like wildfire throughout the hold that the Calamity Marked had escaped his cell. Solaris fought his to the courtyard of the hold. The fortress was on top of a mountain, and its courtyard overlooked a massive city. Solaris ran to the edge of the cliff. The city was enclosed by giant looming steel concrete walls. Each wall stood about roughly 100 meters tall. Solaris stood stunned, this looked like an older version of the city he resided in. "HALT!" A female voice from behind commanded. He turned around, and saw a female knight with flowing crimson hair. Her armor was more embellished than the others. She drew her falchion and pointed it at Solaris. "Stay yourself or die. I, Frea Scarlett, Captain of the Royal Altean Army, commands you." Solaris raised his brow, "Altea?"

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