Chapter 6: A Royal Audience

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A desolate wasteland, devoid of light, life, and hope. The act of breathing causes the sand and dirt to scratch Solaris' throat. He's alone like he always has been and always will be. He noticed that his mark has grown larger, almost as if it was trying to consume him. Then, he felt a presence behind him. He turned around quickly and saw a giant shadowy winged silhouette staring him down. It's eyes were the same colour as his cursed left eye. The creature flapped it's mighty wings, preparing to dive towards Solaris. In response, he reached for his blade. Nothing was there. He gritted his teeth and glared at the beast. He refused to accept his fate and howled as it dove towards him.

Solaris awoke with a cold sweat. His breathing was frantic. He looked down at his left hand. His mark was the same as it always was. "A...dream." He panted. He snapped himself back into reality and quickly observed his surroundings. He wasn't in a cell. He was in some kind of nobel's bedchamber. He was about to excuse himself, when Frea walked in.

"You're awake." She spoke softly and kindly.

"And you're not in armor."

Solaris never had the chance to actually observe Frea. She was a charming woman. Her hair was scarlet but her eyes contrasted with its bright blue hue. For a captain of the guard, she had fair skin. However, the scars of battle showed when she wasn't wearing her armor, especially her hands.

"So you can joke," Frea chuckled. "This is my manor. Why would I be in armor in my own stead?"

"Explains the extravagant bedchamber." Solaris removed the covers and got out of bed.

"OH MY GOD STOP!" Frea screamed.

"What?" Solaris raised his brow. Solaris then looked down and saw that he was in drawers. He glanced back at Frea who was covering her eyes and slightly red. He scoffed. "Frea Scarlet, Captain, embarrassed of a little skin." He mocked.

"How insolent! I uh...just merely have the respect not stare at an almost bare man," Frea stuttered.

Frea composed herself and took a deep breath. "An...anyways," she was avoiding eye contact, "how are you feeling?"

"Fine I guess why?" Solaris began stretching.

"You were out for four days."


"Cool? Your injuries were not normal. Hell you began steaming and your mana levels plummeted. You were literally on death's door. All you have for that is cool?" Frea sighed. "Whatever." She shook her head. "You've been summoned by the King. Get dressed and present yourself in the royal palace."

"Why? So I can plead my case of not being a 'bad guy' to his dumbass? I'll pass."

Frea snapped at Solaris. "Watch your tongue. I have no qualm if you mock me. However, I will not allow any insult to his majesty."

"Alright, alright." Solaris was about to open the dresser nearby when he stopped himself. "Where's my things?"

"In the closet over there," Frea pointed to the closet on the opposite side of the room. "I'll be waiting downstairs."

Solaris got dressed but noticed that only his clothing was present. As much as it upsets him that they took his equipment, he kept calm, since he knew they wouldn't be able to use it. Only he could use his weapons, a sort of safety mechanism via a spell that was placed on them.

He briefly observed Frea's manor as he went downstairs. This was definitely the home of someone of stature, captain or not. Frea was waiting at the door in her armor. "You're a noble."

"The Scarlet family has deep roots in Altea. But, this is no time for a history listen. We must make haste to the palace. His majesty awaits."

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