Chapter 8: Solaris vs Frea

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Solaris entered an underground arena. The arena itself was a division used for the more explosive and dangerous experiments to be conducted by Yohan and his peers.

The arena was large. It was octangular in shape. Each was was roughly 15 meters in length and the distance from one wall to its opposite was 50 meters. The floor of the arena was a mixture of rough dirt and coarse sand.

This is probably an illegal underground fighting ring isn't it, Solaris thought to himself. He looked up at the stands, not expecting an audience, but was surprised by the attendance of more than Yohan.

Next to Yohan, was a shady male. He was dressed in a dark hooded robe and fashioned a katana on his left hip. He was taller than Yohan, almost a whole head taller.

Next to him was a female, an elven archer. Her long hair that draped over her shoulders was black, signifying that she was not of pure of eleven blood. She wore light leather armor, akin to that of a ranger. Her quiver was fastened at her waist. Although she was far, Solaris could feel her sapphire blue eyes piercing him.

Solaris sighed and went back to the entrance. Yohan had left him with a bundle of model, dull, wooden weapons to choose from. He grabbed the wooden sword and returned to arena.

The gate opposing him opened and out walked Frea, sporting her usual armor and she was also equipped with a wooden sword. She walked up until she was about ten paces away from Solaris. "Hello there," she greeted.

Solaris sighed again, "I just can't get away from you can I?"

"Hehe, nope."

"What's this for again? To kill time?"

"That's probably what Yohan told you. It's a little bit more than that. Like I said, you were out for four days. We need to see if your body has finished healing," Frea started checking Solaris out, "however judging from you look fine. So, in that case, it's an exhibition match."

"For those guys?" Solaris pointed at the two individuals next to Yohan.

"Yeah, and his Majesty, who's watching through a crystal screen."

"An exhibition match for what purpose exactly?"

"Well we don't need to gauge your power. You've shown that. How about for fun?"

"This really is a waste of time." Solaris shook his head.

"Come on, it'll be fun."


"Uh, uh, Solaris?" Yohan called out from the stands. "Try to think of this as vetting. For this bout only use your physical force no magic or anything!"

"Yeah, vetting." Frea smiled. She proceeded to enter a fighting stance. "Anyways, I know how strong you are, so there's no need to hold back. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess." Solaris shrugged.

"Then...en garde!" Frea declared.

Frea dashed at Solaris. She swung her blade swiftly and powerfully, slashing at Solaris. However, Solaris blocked the attack aimed at his abdomen. Frea smirked and proceeded to follow up with a reverse spinning slash. Solaris leapt backwards avoiding her. Chasing down Solaris, Frea thrusted her sword. Solaris deflected the blow by smacking her sword with his, and directing her power to the side. He then flipped over her, and when he landed, he quickly Slashed his sword three times: once upwards at a 45 degree angle, next vertically down, then lastly horizontally from right to left. Frea managed to block all three attacks but that string created space between her and him. Noticing the distance between them, Solaris switched his grip from orthodox to reverse grip.

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