Chapter 17: Rest in Peace

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The survivors were huddled up inside the elder's home. Upon hearing the truth of the situation, Lydia struck the elder in anger and agony. " dare say you've done this in his name?" The tears ran down her face.

Lydia was not the most attractive nor was she the most hideous. She was what most would call normal. Average build, average height, with medium length brunette hair to boot, but that was not what charmed her late husband. Her spirit was strong. She was raised with the belief that all were to be equal. That just because everybody was dealt a different hand, it did not mean that the chances of success were gone. Everything was possible through time and effort. That was the type of person she was.


"Don't you ever call my name." She turned away and clenched the amulet that was gifted to her from her beloved. "If Hathorn were here today...he would be ashamed to call you his father."

"Well now that that's outta the way," Yohan opened the cellar, "get in." The sun was setting and the light was fading fast.

"Yohan, you should probably-"

"No, I have to set up runes to protect the house," Yohan interrupted Frea.

"You don't," Solaris interjected. He tightened his glove and loaded his revolver. "Renge will handle the rear guard. I will go out and exterminate the infected."

"Exterminate?" Frea widened her eyes, "Sol these people can still be saved."

"I thought the idea was to preserve them," Yohan added. "I too am against the idea of extermination."

"There is only one way of salvation to those who were infected and turned," Solaris engaged his folding sword.

"No, there has to be another way-"

"There isn't!" Solaris raised his voice, "Even in the world I come from there still isn't a way to save those who were turned by the madness. They are DEAD! They will only ever be dead."

"If that's the case," Frea stepped forward, gripping the hilt of her sword, "allow me to accompany you."

Renge blocked her path with his blade. "You aren't going anywhere."

"And why is that?"

"Because you, just like our little scientist there still believe for there to be hope for our undead friends outside."


"You don't have the heart to do what must be done."

"Oh and how do you, a bandit, know?"

Renge looked at her eyes, "Because you're a good person." He glanced over at Solaris, "And deep down, should the time come if you had to kill or let go, you would rather let go instead of neutralizing the threat at hand. Even if...even if they were children."

Frea covered her mouth in shock. She looked over at Yohan who held his head low. "Sol, you're not planning to..."

Solaris remained silent and only looked at her.


"If they have turned, they must perish. That is the only salvation we can give them. That is the only way they can rest."

"I can't let you do this." Frea was mid-way from drawing her sword before Renge placed his at her throat.

"That is why he mentioned that I am the rear guard."

Frea defeated, dropped her arms and slumped. She had no more words. The stars began to light up the sky, and the growls from the infected could be heard. She tearfully looked at Solaris and was surprised. He too, had a somber look. "Their bodies will disintegrate an hour after the sun rises." He opened the door and stepped out. "Find your loved ones then and salvage what you can," he uttered before the door shut.

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