Chapter 13: Mana and Magic

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Solaris and Yohan were back in the lab, finishing up the last of the preparations and supplies that they needed for the journey ahead. Frea joined them shortly after, accompanied by Renge. Accompanied is actually too benign a word. More like, she dragged him along. He was still in his restraints after all.

Solaris sighed, "I guess this is the team."

"Yes sir," Yohan smiled brightly while nudging him.

"Anything we missed?" Frea asked.

"Just a few things," Yohan answered.

"Like what?" Solaris asked, raising his brow. He assumed they were finished. They had food and supplies to build a makeshift camp.

"Give me a moment." Yohan strolled into a nearby closet. "Now where did I put that thing," the sounds of items being shuffled around was heard, "AHA! There it is." Yohan walked out of the closet holding a leather fingerless glove. Fashioned into a delta trinity on the glove were three crystals. They each shone their own color. One was red, another sky blue, and the third was yellow. Yohan handed the glove over to Solaris.

"What's this?" Solaris asked as he accepted the glove.

"An elemental inducer." Yohan pointed at the crystals, "each of these represent a type of elemental magic. Red is fire. Blue is ice. And yellow is-"

"Lightning." Solaris finished Yohan's sentence.


"Why give me this?"

"Because you're an enhancer aren't you."

"A what?" Frea interjected. She raised a brow.

"Correct." Solaris responded, ignoring Frea.

"Therefore only you can use this glove."

"Let me guess. This glove can grant me elemental properties and/or let me use elemental magic."

"Exactly. I noticed that through reports of the previous battle that you used that revolver of your's to implement elemental magic. This glove is the same."

Solaris was studying the glove, "I'm assuming in order to activate which crystal I want, I have to pour my mana into one."

"A little. Like I said, the glove is an inducer. Don't pour your mana into the glove, let it flow naturally in it. You should be able to switch effortlessly between the elements as well as use them simultaneously. At least that was the design. I didn't have the mana capacity to use it in its intended use during testing."

"Interesting." Solaris slipped it onto his left hand. The crystals glowed and pulsed for a brief moment before becoming dull. Solaris snapped his fingers and a spark ignited. He smiled. "It works as intended Yohan. Thank you."

"You're using it on your left?" Frea questioned.

"Although it is the side he uses the revolver, it also helps cover his mark. That was why you put it on the left, correct?"

"Yeah," Solaris opened his right palm. Electricity began dancing around in it. "Plus it's not like the magic is limited to my left." He clenched his fist, silencing the lightning.

"About that," Frea crossed her arm and had a confused look on her face, "what did you mean by enhancer?" She looked at Yohan for answers.

Yohan tilted his head in response. "You don't know about the magic disciplines? Even though you're a captain?" He looked over at Renge, "how about you snow-ilk?"

Renge remained silent.

Frea shook her head.

"Alrighty," Yohan clapped his hands together, "time for a crash course in mana and magic." He sat himself on top of a desk. "Gather around."

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