Chapter 10: A Night to Recover

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"You want to what?" Solaris asked, shocked at Yohan's proposal.

"Take me with you." Yohan repeated himself.



"Are you even hearing yourself? You're asking to tag along with me as if I'm going on a journey like a magical hero of some blasted old story or some shit."

"But you are-"

Solaris began counting on his fingers, "One, even if I was, it'll be way too dangerous for some nerd. Two, Where the fuck! Would I start? THREE! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO COME WITH ME?"

"Well..." Yohan began to tap his finger on his chin, "For starters, I actually do know where to start. Two, I'll be fine don't worry about me. I am a master alchemist after all. Three, who wouldn't want to be in the same party as Lord Vigil of Altea."

Solaris sighed and gave an exasperated face to Yohan. "The answer's still no."


"You know why. I'm not about to take the led researcher and scientist from Altea to go on a journey that doesn't even have a beginning. What the fuck am I supposed to say to the king?" Solaris made a superficial smile, "Hi remember me? Your Vigil? Also that guy that the ENTIRE world hates? Well I'm going to take your most trusted scientist because fuck you." He flattened his eyes at Yohan.

"Well when you put it that way-"

"BECAUSE IT IS YOHAN!" Hitch interrupted, tears in her eyes. "Even if he did accept, were you just going to leave me like that out in the blue?"

Yohan chuckled nervously, "Maaaybe?"

"ASSHOLE!" Hitch slapped Yohan and stormed off.

"Where is she goin', " Regal added, "this is her room."

Yohan rubbed his cheek and sighed. "I will go fix that," he looked at Solaris, "but seriously, at least put some thought into it? Please?" He pleaded.

Solaris sighed, "Fine."

"Alright!" Yohan was about to punch the air but stopped himself, "I should go calm her down."

"Ya should," Regal nodded.

Yohan smiled gleefully and wondered off.

"What about cha?" Regal asked Solaris, "What are yur gonna do 'bout his request lad?"

Solaris shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmmm, well give it some thought. He seemed pretty passionate 'bout it aye? At least give it some time." Regal patted Solaris' back and went back to his forge. "WHALE (Well) I gots me forge to attend to so." He was about to leave before he stopped himself short, "OH, Lady Frea said she you could spend the night at her manor."

Solaris rolled his eyes. "I should be grateful I guess."


Hitch was outside on an overpass in the palace that overlooked the city. She saw Yohan approach and wiped her tears away. She turned away, attempting to ignore and push him away.

"I knew you'd be here." Yohan smiled as he approached her.

"Shut up. You're a jerk."

"Yeah I know." Yohan shrugged his shoulders as he stood next to her. "Hey can you look at me?"


"Come on. You know you want to." Yohan made a puppy face, "Please?"

"Fine." Hitch turned around, "What do you want?"

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