Chapter 14: A Fragile Bond

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The crew arrived at Regal's forge. "Heya Regal," Yohan called out waving at him.

Regal was busy smithing away and didn't notice them when they arrived. He heard Yohan's call and turned around. "Ah yur here. Hold on ten." He quickly went deeper into his hole. The sounds of metal clanging on metal could be heard as he was gathering the items. He appeared and placed four bolt satchels on the counter that separated his forge from the hall. "I din't have anything dat can carry dese 'bullets' but some satchels used to carry crossbow bolts so 'ere."

Solaris grabbed the satchels and clipped them onto his belt. Two on his left hip and two on his right. "Thank you Regal."

"Don't mention it lad. I made roughly 50 of each type. If you need more just come back or send a message and I'll deliver them to you."

"Bullets? What are those?" Frea asked. She poked around Solaris and studied the bullets, "OH! They look similar to metal projectiles fired by the muskets from Kaiser."

"Muskets? So they have those. Yeah, just like that."

"And dis one 'ere is for that snow-elk." Regal placed a twinblade on the counter.

Twinblades were swords that were double-sided. There was a handle in the center and a blade was fixed on the top and bottom of the handle. Practitioners of this weapon claimed that it was similar to handling a pole arm, specifically a staff. 

"A twinblade," Yohan whistled, "you can use one of those?  You must be quite a capable warrior yourself huh."

Renge remained silent. 

"Well we got a big ol' journey ahead of us now so let's go," Yohan stated to the group.


They arrived at the city gate. Solaris looked back at the city. He was only in this older version of Altea for a little bit, but it felt like it has been ages since he awoke in this world. He smirked slightly. "Lead the way Yohan."

"Hehe, of course."

The gate slowly rolled open. The giant metal chains creaked as the frontier exposed itself. The group ventured beyond the walls. To Solaris, it was a breath of fresh air. He grew tired of seeing metal and the cramped city walls. Beyond that, this world was not yet industrialized to the point where his was. It was green, serene, and peaceful. If he wasn't the walking calamity he might've enjoyed the scenery.

They were walking for about 30 minutes, when finally Renge spoke. "Hey."

"WOAH! YOU CAN SPEAK!" Yohan teased.

"Can you undo my bindings? What was the point of me getting equipment if I can't move freely?"

"Well you might betray us and kill us and what not."



"It's fine Yohan." Solaris interjected, "I was planning on releasing him soon anyways. It's like he said how is he supposed to help us if he's tied up like a hog."

"Alright then." Yohan motioned for Frea to free Renge.

Renge massaged his wrists. "That's better." He glanced at Solaris then at Frea's hip.  Swiftly, he took the dagger on her hip and lunged at Solaris. Frea attempted to stop him, but he was too fast.

"SOLARIS WATCH OU-" Frea attempted to warn him, but it was not needed. Solaris anticipated the attack and dodged Renge's attempt. He grabbed Renge's wrist and squeezed it. The pain made Renge drop the dagger. Then Solaris grabbed his collar and flung Renge towards a tree. The impact briefly knocked Renge unconscious for a fraction of a second. In that brief opening, Solaris quickly grabbed the dagger on the ground and pinned Renge to the tree, holding the dagger at his throat. He smirked.

"Nice try, next time try doing something not so predictable."

Renge growled at him. "So why did you free me? I don't expect any goodwill from you. Especially the Calamity Marked."

Solaris whilsted, "Whew, prejudice from a snow-ilk. That's new. But you're right. I freed you because of that. You're a snow-ilk. You'll be able to attract the heat off of me and the those guys over there, especially since the public won't know that I am the Calamity Marked unless I show them." Solaris lowered dagger, "So here's the deal. The whole reason why you're here is to be canon fodder and take the heat. Of course I can't have you dying on me, so that's why you have your weapon. You're going to be my pawn, and don't think that you'll be able to kill me or out wit me. I'm leagues over you, but you're welcome to try." 

He released Renge. "So that's the deal. Our fragile bond that keeps us together if you will. Just letting you know, that if you do try to take my or any of these two's lives, I will take yours. Unlike them, as you already know, I can kill without thought. And I can't have you endangering my tickets out of here can I?"

Solaris handed the dagger back to Frea. Renge massaged his throat. The Calamity Marked, he had already witnessed his strength before, but he was sure of it this time. Solaris was dangerous, more dangerous than any troll or ogre he has slayed in the past.

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