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read the authors note at the end pls



"You first then, Ashley," Josie says handing everyone a beer.

"Sure I'll go first because I'm not a little baby like you guys," teases Ashley, "Who's going to ask me the infamous 'truth or dare' question?"

"I will!" Michael shoots his hand up, "Okay Ash, truth or dare?"

"Truth," she grabs a shot glass filling it up to the brim and swiftly downing the liquid.

"Truth? I thought you said you weren't a baby," I smirk at her and she shoos her hand at me.

"Who do you think would win in a pokebattle: Charizard or Blaziken?" Michael asks and Josie and I burst into laughter.

"Michael, are you serious?" Luke asks.

"Why Mikey, why?" Calum rolls his eyes.

"Blaziken, just because you would say Charizard and you're completely wrong," Ashley says with a straight face.

"You're delusional, you think Blaziken would beat Charizard?" Michael raises his voice.

"Yes for obvious reasons!" argues Ashley.

"Name three reasons then."

"Well, first things firs-"

"I'm the realist!" Luke interrupts. I give him a 'really?' look and he shrugs.

"Look at how passionate they're talking about Pokemon," I say to Luke as he wraps an arm around me.

"This is all they ever talk about; on text and in person," tells Luke.

"Chill out you two! Let's get on with the game," Calum breaks the heated conversation between the two pokemasters.

"Mikey, truth or dare?" questions Ashton.

"Truth!" he exclaims downing a shot.

"Really? You both are babies, you are made for each other," Calum shares and they both scoff giving Calum an in-sync, "Hell no!"

"Mikey, do you have any feelings for Josie?" smirks Ashton.

"Yo chill, Ashton, chill," I look at him with wide eyes.

Michael stiffens up and looks towards his lap, "Why would you ask that?"

"I mean you did have sex with her last night," Ashton points out.

"Just because we had sex it doesn't mean I'm in love with her," Michael argues.

"I didn't ask if you loved her; I asked if you liked her. It's just a question, Mike."

"No, I don't like her, okay?" Michael shoots defensively and picks at his nails. I gaze towards my best friend, who's biting the inside of her cheek with a noticeable frown. She looks up at me and I give her an apologetic smile.

"No need for the 'tude," scoffs Ashton taking a sip of his beer.

"Uh, I think Mikey should take another shot," Calum smiles.

"Horton hears a bitch ass liar," Luke takes a sip of his beer also, "Horton; also known as everyone in this room."

"I'm not going to take another shot because I told the truth," defends Michael.

"Bro, you stare down, blink a lot, and pick at your nails when you lie. Just take a shot," Calum fills the glass with liquor and hands it to Michael.

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