Chapter One

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Hey people!!!! I got a few messages from some people, who apparently liked my reading list, saying that I should write my own Naruto Fanfiction! Well lets just say I....TOTALLY LOVED THE IDEA!!!!! So hear I am starting my first Naruto fanfiction! I will look back on this day and say, "Dang, I was smart back then too!" Anyway back to the real story at hand.

WARNING::: I will include some stuff from Bleach as well! Mostly just Kido! Just thought I should let you know that! I will try and follow the story line once we get to that point but I may get a little..... distracted and head off in a completely new direction........ just warning you.

Naruto- You talk a lot! Believe it!

Angel(me!)- I know right!!

Naruto- *Sweatdrops* Umm yeah, she doesn't own Naruto.

Angel- *Anime cries* Why you gotta go and say mean things like that?!?!?

Naruto- No Angel-chan, don't cry! I was just stating a fact!

Angel- Your so mean!!! *Runs away*

Naruto- *Sakura punches him* Sakura-chan!!!!! OW!!!!!!


I was sitting in my room, hiding from my parents, watching Naruto on my Ipod. I had to buy my Ipod with the money my aunt gave me before she died, because my parents never spend a dime on me. I'm actually hiding right now so I don't get the crap beat outta me like I do everyday.

I had just watched an episode of bleach before that. I guess you could call me a little bit of a weirdo because I had learned all the kido spells and incantations. I had also learned all of the hand signs from Naruto. I had nothing better to do so, why not?

I finished watching the episode just as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I ran to my bed and hid my Ipod underneath my mattress. I laid down under the covers and hoped to God they would leave me alone today.

Of course my hopes were in vain because I heard my door open. I still pretended to sleep as the person walked over to my bed. I tried to stay calm and take deep even breaths, as they got closer and closer. I hated every minute of this......

They retch my bed and I could feel the covers being ripped away from me. I clutched my knees to my chest hiding my face from view. I got pushed off the bed and onto the floor. I curled up into a ball and looked up to see my father standing over me with a knife in his hands, he was grinning sadistically at me. I prayed that it would be over soon, and yet again my hopes and prayers were in vain....

*Two hours Later*

I'm bruised, bloodied, and beaten, laying in a heap in the corner of the room. My dad had left a few minutes ago, after washing my blood off his knife in my bathroom. I was trying to stand so I could go to the bathroom and bandage the cuts. I wasn't having very much luck though until I was finally able to bend my legs and stand.

I went to the bathroom and pulled out a few roll of bandages and a bottle of peroxide. I took care of the cuts that were on my legs and arms first, I then started on the stomach but I realized it would have to be stitched and got to work doing that. You might be wondering how I know so much about medical stuff at my age. Well that's easy, I've been taking care of myself and patching myself up since I started getting beaten at the age of four. I mean two year of taking care of wounds, from bruises to gashes, you tend to get good at it.

After my stomach was stitched I wrapped a bandage around my stomach and laid in bed playing with my Ipod. I soon went to bed because I was exhausted. The whole time hoping and praying that tomorrow would be better, that maybe tomorrow I won't get beaten for one........

I'M IN NARUTO?!?!? WHAT THE HECK????? (Naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now