Chapter 4: The Marriage Law

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The next day, Hermione was lying face up on Ginny's bed annoyed, "Come on Ginny. Let's go." Hermione said, "One second Hermione, I'm just straightening my hair. McGonagall won't mind if we're a minute late." Hermione sat up, "Yes, she will! She seemed serious about the special announcement. Just grab a jacket and let's go." She grabbed a cardigan and both Hermione and Ginny walked down the stairs. "I wonder why McGonagall called us to the Great Hall on such short notice..." Hermione nodded and replied to Ginny, "I guess it's only a minute until we find out."

When they reached the Great Hall, they all got seated. Hermione looked around, and accidentally fixed her eyes on a certain Slytherin. She was about to revert her gaze, but it was too late, the smirking Slytherin had caught her, and their eyes met before she pulled away. "Students, Students! Please, take a minute to settle down. Before you have your breakfast, I would like to discuss an important matter with you all. Settle down please, Settle down." The shuffling and the Great Hall were silenced, and a hush fell over the crowd as Minevra McGonagall stepped ahead, "Now, as your Headmistress, it is my duty to inform you of a new law that has been mandated by the ministry amongst all young witches and wizards. I've done everything in my control to forbid this, but unfortunately this is not in my hands. I understand that this will truly frustrate you but there will be consequences for not abiding by this law. All witches and wizards of Hogwarts are furthermore placed under the Marriage Law."  

The Marriage Law (Dramione, Blinny, Hansy, Runa)Where stories live. Discover now