Chapter 14: Hansy, The Pains of Life

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"Harry?" Pansy asked.


"You know, sometimes I think you are kind of lucky that you don't have parents."

"What? I'd give up everything to have parents," He replied.

"They're just a constant reminder of your failures, they only talk about the worst things they can find in you."

"Maybe that's because they try to help you improve..."

"Well, not mine. I remember when I was young, my parents never cared about me. They still don't. They just ship me off to Hogwarts and forget about me. Then I stay with Blaise or Draco over summer. I haven't seen or hear from them in 7 years, and the fact that the never reached out to me is so painful," Harry could see a tear drop from Pansy's eyes. Then he did the only thing he knew he could do, the only cure for a person's problems.

A warm hug

He pulled her close as she sobbed into his arms. The feeling of safety was then reassured upon her.

"Pansy, look up. The stars look beautiful. And it's a full moon."

Pansy slowly lifted her head and stared at the stars, still hugging Harry. They both sat on the bench, talking about their biggest insecurities, and Pansy fell asleep on Harry's shoulder.

Harry got up and picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed. He made sure to tuck her in and grabbed a blanket to sleep on the couch. 

The Marriage Law (Dramione, Blinny, Hansy, Runa)Where stories live. Discover now