Chapter 5: The Marriage Law Instructions

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Blaise POV

Blaise watched as anger swept over the crowd. He stood up along with Draco and his Slytherin friends to shout with the others, "It's not fair!" Draco groaned, "There goes my slim chance of marrying Beyonce." Blaise laughed, "Mate, you're talking about the muggle?" Draco chuckled, "'Course I am!"

Suddenly, Minevra McGonagall's voice rose, "Please, let me explain."

Once again, the hall was silent. "You will now be given a simple test in which you must describe your dream partner. Based on your response, we will calculate your exact description and find you, your true soulmate in Hogwarts. You will receive your partner's name tomorrow, after you take the test today, and along with the letter holding your future spouse's name, you will be provided with the engagement, marriage, and child-bearing deadlines."

"Have a child?!"

"What?! I don't want to follow this?"

"You're crazy get married at 18? What the heck "

"I'm not ready to get pregnant!"

"What if I want to be single?"

McGonagall simply continued, "The reason for this law is that the wizarding population is soon to die out. The ministry is forcing this law upon you young witches and wizards to have you reproduce to create more offspring to regain the population so us magical folk don't die out. I can assure you I will do the best I can to put you with someone that accurately matches your description, apart from that, I have no such power in the matter. "

She continued, "I know this is a lot for you to take at once but I'm going to have to provide you with all the information at once. If you refuse to follow the law of the ministry, unfortunately you will be deprived of your magic power and you will lose your memory, continuing to be a muggle with amnesia. Now, anyone willing to oppose the law?"

No one said anything and the hall remained in silence.

"Alright, the government will be pleased. Next, let's talk about your dorms. They will be changed tomorrow after you all have been assigned a partner. Now that will be explained later. For now, please complete your tests."

Blimey, I thought. So much was happening at once. Suddenly a bunch of flying papers flew to each table, one per person, accompanied with a quill with the house colors.

My complete test was this:

Describe your ideal partner's looks

She needs to look fiery, fierce, and brave. (Maybe a redhead)

Describe their attributes or traits (funny,kind,etc).

Fierce, brave, not afraid to stand up for themselves, smart, and put me in my place.

Describe YOUR hobbies.

Quidditch, other sports, cooking, sleeping, reading.

How should your partner treat you?

Like we're equals, just act normal around me, be themselves. I've always fancied women who acted superior a bit over others.

What house traits should your partner own?

I do not know, maybe be ambitious, I don't care if she's kind she just must start a conversation, she should be extremely good looking, she can't be dumb, but she doesn't have to be smart either, or she can't be a scaredy cat.

Ginny POV

Well, this was quite a lot to process. But there was no way I was gonna give up my rights as a witch, so I had to push through it.

This is my completed test:

Describe your ideal partner's looks

He must look noticeable, not shy, but a clever look, someone that looks intriguing.

Describe their attributes or traits (funny,kind,etc).

He is to be cunning, not controlling, smart, funny, and a little sarcasm here and there would never hurt. He's got to be an extrovert.

Describe YOUR hobbies.

Quidditch, movie-watching, sleeping, eating

How should your partner treat you?

Like I'm superior. He should be punny and I should enjoy every moment of it if He will be the father of my kids (he should know they're likely to have red hair)

What house traits should your partner own?

He's got to be witty, smart, playful, ambitious, cool, and fun to be around. I need to share information with him; he must be a good talker, a people person. (AND NO NOT HARRY, THOUGH WE'RE COMPATIBLE WE BROKE UP AND IT'S FOR THE BEST!!!)

Hermione POV

This is my response, I suppose:

Describe your ideal partner's looks

He must look slick and smart. He needs to be good looking, someone that will make me blush when I see him - (these responses are private right?) - and he must be a blonde for sure.

Describe their attributes or traits (funny,kind,etc).

He must be smart enough to challenge my capabilities but not too smart that he's a workaholic. He needs to be kind on the inside, and I need to find him attractive. He also needs to be energetic and needs to be good at Quidditch.

Describe YOUR hobbies.

Reading, Watching Movies, Writing

How should your partner treat you?

With respect no matter my social class as a muggle born. I would like to be treated nicely by my future partner.

What house traits should your partner own?

He's got to be smart, attractive, sporty, and spend time with the family.

Draco POV

Well here goes nothing, this is my test completed:

Describe your ideal partner's looks

She must look pretty, soft, gentle, delicate, but when mad, she must look cute. She must blush a lot around me.

Describe their attributes or traits (funny,kind,etc).

She must be wise enough to work with me and discuss things the average person wouldn't know. She must be beautiful and have an interesting personality. She needs to understand I'm an extremely jealous man and get annoyed when my wife talks to other men.

Describe YOUR hobbies.

Quidditch, Movies, Reading, drawing

How should your partner treat you?

Like we're equals, with respect but not too much

What house traits should your partner own?

She needs to be pretty, smart, brave; I need to be lost in her eyes, she needs to share her greatest pains with me and open. She needs to understand I get jealous when the girl I fancy talks to other men. 

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