Sleeping With You

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It was in the night, Knuckles was asleep in his room.

The falling snow was gentle with a soft breeze.

Though Knuckles opened his eyes and wondered to himself.

Will Sonic like him back or will he leave him like Julie-Su did.

His thoughts were interrupted when a knock on the door was heard.

The red echidna opened it before seeing Sonic tired but very shy.

Knuckles asked, "What are you doin up so late Sonic?"

Sonic replied with a yawn, "I couldn't sleep. It was getting lonely in the room. I was wondering if you can actually let me sleep with you. Or at least sleep with me in my room."

Knuckles blushed before he had a better idea.

Knuckles then turns to Sonic and said, "How about we sleep in the living room. The fire in the fireplace is still going you know."

Sonic replied, "Sure that would work."

That's when the red echidna picked up a couple of blankets and escorted Sonic to the living room.

They headed downstairs while Sonic stayed close to Knuckles.

Luckily no one was awake. No one but those two.

Then when Knuckles and Sonic arrived in the living room, the two made their way to the couch and sat down.

Sonic snuggled towards Knuckles without warning while Sonic said to him, "Thanks Knux."

Knuckles replied with usual tone, "Eh, don't mention it Sonic."

Knuckles got a little cozy as he pulled the covers on him and Sonic.

Sonic placed his head on his chest while Knuckles himself placed a hand on his head.

Sonic fell fast asleep while Knuckles said softly, "Good night blue boy."

Without a second to loose, Knuckles laid his head on a pillow and fell asleep with Sonic in his arms.

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