Prologue: Reflecting on Life

646 11 0

"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

'Slytherin - vision/memories 

Prologue: Reflecting on Life


Third Pov:

Harry James Potter is 12 years old and known by many as the boy who lived. He is a boy with thick wavey and unruly dark brown hair (A/n: It's a mix of his parent's hair his father had thick loose curly and unruly dark brown hair and his mom had straight dark auburn red hair so he has a blend of both), a round face, is below average height, somewhat undernourished, with pale skin, and vibrant emerald green eyes. He is in his second year of studies at the prestigious school known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry which makes him believe what people say. Of course, it didn't help that Harry had suffered 11 years of nothing but neglect and abuse from his relatives and grew up clueless about the wizarding world. Not many know but Harry has never been really used to praising or someone caring for him. As only a few did but they had moved away years ago. Right now Harry sits alone in his dorm room on his for-post bed with the curtains closed his eyes were dry and red from all his crying because someone very close to him was attacked and petrified yesterday. He sat there staring at his closed curtain wondering why of all people was Hermoine attacked and right after their fight as well. It was then these thoughts lead Harry to think over all that happen in his life up until now unknowing that by doing this a change began in his subconscious as he takes in the full scope of his 12 years of life.

When Harry was 15 months old his parents were killed by a dark wizard and he became famous for something he doesn't really remember. Growing up he was never really used to praises only recieving it from a few friends and their family before they rmoved away when he was 9 years old. He lived with his abusive relatives for the past 11 years being treated as though he was his relative's slave since he was 3 years old. Since the age of 3, Harry had been forced to do chores. He was forced to do all of the cooking, cleaning, and gardening. Every summer he woke up every day at 5 .a.m. cooking for the Dursleys their breakfast. He then spends his days working until 3 .p.m. slaving away. He tries to get all his chores done on time. Anytime he does get his chores done and he manages to not get beaten. Harry would spend his time at the library five blocks from Dursley's home. Where he was adored by the old librarians who work there and the elders who spend their time there. Harry had only a few places he felt safe and felt happy.

During the summer the library is where Harry took refuge most from his bullies and abusive relatives. While his cousin Dudley and his friends were running around trying to find him playing the game they refer to as 'Harry Hunt' Harry was usualy in the one place they couldn't find him because they never be caught dead in.  If he wasn't in the library he would hide in one of the empty houses or in a secret cave in the woods. Over the years Harry has read through both fiction and non-fiction. The types of books Harry tend to read at Little Whinging library are astronomy, Greek mythology, history, different language, romance, Shakespeare, anatomy, and many other things. With all, of Harry's reading and his excellent memory he is very smart but because of the Dursleys, he was forced to dumb himself down and hide his true smarts. He also hide some skills he had which he had taught himself or he had a natural talent for like quidditch. By the age of 10, he was able to read, speak, and write multiple different languages fluently (The Languages: French, Chinese, Japenese, Welsh, Greek, Gaelige, Russian, Spanish, Italian, and Bulgarian) which he tends to to practice in alot since the librarian only alllows him to talk with her in different languages which she happens to be fluid in, cook meals from many different nationalities thanks to all the times at the library he looked up reciptes on the internet and in cook books, he can play multiple instruments thanks to Ms.Figgs who taught him (the instruments: piano, violin, and guitar), break dancing which he was a natural at, and many other things no one besides a select few knows about.

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