Dueling down in the Chamber

527 9 4

"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

'Slytherin' - vision/memories

Chapter 2: Dueling down in the Chamber


Third PoV:

It had been nearly a month now since Hermione had been attacked. Finally, the most important ingredient needed for the potion to fix all those who had been petrified had finally grown to maturity. At dinner, it was said that all the petrified victims would be awakened within the next 10 days. Though Harry was happy to no end about the news that Hermione would be up he was once again pissed off by some of the students who still believed it was him attacking the school along with hate mail for being a parselmouth. Harry didn't know how much longer he could deal with all this bullshit. If not for the twins Harry was sure he would have resot back to an old habit of self harm. They weren't always around as they were older then him but when they were they made sure not to let dark thoughts consume him. For the past month every night Harry had snuck to the hospital wing to be by Hermione bedside. He stand guard most of the night before finally getting an hour or two of sleep. Harry didn't trust that who ever was behind the attacks at school wouldn't sneak into the hospital wing at night to harm hermione since they obviously attacked her to hurt him. Harry was not worried about the person coming in when he cashes because living with his relatives he learn to be an extremely light sleeper so unless he truly feels safe he was always ready to attack if someone tries to harm Hermione. 

At this moment Harry was standing silently in the corridors near an abandoned classroom when he heard loud footsteps running his way. When he heard the footsteps Harry feared that there had been another attack without his knowing so as not to be blamed he ducked into the empty classroom to call a house elf to take him to the owlry on the other side of school or the hospital wing which also is on the other side of the school so they can't blame him for being nearby. After ducking into the classroom he heard what sounded like Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout then ran to the staff room. They spoke how someone had been dragged into the chamber. Harry was worried most the school turn on him this year for something out of his control didn't mean he wanted them dead or hurt. Besides Harry understood they were scared and fear makes people do stupid things he can forgive them for some the shit they did but just because he forgives doesn't me he will forget. Harry waited until the professors pass him then he sneaks out of the class and follows them. After a bit of walking, Harry now stood outside the teacher lounge door staying silent listening to Professor McGonagall say that Ginny Weasley, the young sister of his friends Fred, Geoge, and Bill was the one dragged down into the Chamber of Secrets. Harry also heard that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was in the second-floor girl's bathroom. With that information, Harry ran to talk with Myrtle, the ghost that resides in that bathroom. When Harry got there he asked about the circumstances that led to her death and she explained it to him. Apparently, Myrtle had been bullied that day by some girls in her class. She ran to the bathroom to cry while she was in there she heard a male's voice. She had shouted at him telling him this was the girl's bathroom and he needed to leave. The boy ignored her and started talking in a strange language that sounded like hissing. Myrtle told Harry how she flew open the door to rip the boy a new one but when she opened the stall she was met with large yellow eyes. Harry asked her where the entrance was and if she knew Myrtle only said that it was over there the boy stood and then pointed to the sink. Harry thanked Myrtle and walked over to the sink looking it over. Harry observed the sink closely.

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