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"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

'Slytherin' - vision/memories

Chapter 5: Memories


Third Pov:

It has been 2 days now since Harry had saved Ginny from down in the chamber, fought the shade of Voldemort, found out shocking news from the hat, and ended his ancestor's familiar misery, For the last two days Harry has been in the hospital unconscious living through Voldemort's memories up until he murdered his parents. Harry didn't know how he was seeing the dark lord's memories but he wasn't complaining because this gave him an edge seeing as the dark lord is not dead so he now knows how he thinks, has his knowledge up until he killed his parents, knows how he alive still. Now with all this knowledge and the dark lords memories he can train in secret and use this knowledge against him so when they fight again in the future he will have a better chance to defeat him. From the memories Harry learned many things different types of magic, sex, subduction, dueling, how to act in pureblood cyrcles, etc. Though Harry could tell from the memories that Voldemort had only ever really research things of intrest to him which was mostly dark arts. Harry noticed that if he didn't have the gift for it he didn't really study about it which is why he had never really research about elementals or animagus really. 

It was late at night when Harry finally woke up in the hospital wing he sat up put on his glasses and grabed his wand casting a tempus charm seeing that it was 11:35pm. He knew that Madam Pomfrey had made her last nightly round half an hour ago and wouldn't be making another round until about 8 hours from now at 7:30 .a.m. unless she heard a noise. Harry has land himself in the hospital wing enough times that he knows the rutine. He deactivates his tempus and looks over to the bed on his right. He sees Hermione still there petrified which means he didn't miss her waking up. Harry sighs in relief at that. He looks at the other beds and sees that there were still 2 others who haven't been woken up either Penelope Clearwater and Cho Chang (A/N:I know she was not a petrified victim but for plot reasons I say she was and no she will not be in the harem). Since he has 8 hours until Pomfrey will show up and he knows he won't be going back to sleep Harry decides that he will go through his ancestor memories that he recieved from the hat then he will use the knowledge he got from the dark lord to start his training in occlumency. Harry crosses his legs and closes his eyes and searches for the memories the hat gave him. It didn't take long for him to find the memories barried within his subconious.

'To my Descendant(s),

If you do not know who I am my name is Salazar Niklaus Slytherin. I am regretful to inform you that I have tainted the name of the Most Noble House of Slytherin, by my actions in life. I saw the deaths of my loved ones both friends and family. While blinded by grief and anger I killed those who took them away from me. But I didn't enjoy even a little bit of it, but my promise to my daughter to take revenge for her, her husband, and her unborn child kept me going, and today, I declared that I fulfilled that promise. *Harry was shocked to see the great Salazar Slytherin himself in such a weak state he truly had regret what he had done. Harry can deduct that much from the memories that were playing in his mind. Harry continues watching the memories.* I gave my grandson to a muggle couple who didn't have any children and asked them that all girls were to be named after flowers in remembrance of my late daughter, Lily. I do not regret this decision as you are living proof that he lived long enough to continue the line. I hope you can find somewhere in your heart to find a foolish and stubborn old man my precious heir. *once again Harry was shocked he pushed his many thoughts down for later going back to Salazar's memories* I know after me, the Slytherin line will believe to have gone extinct as my adopted son was never blood adopted so he can not claim my family lordship nor can any of his descendants and the whereabouts of my biological grandson is not known by anyone else in the magical world. I am ready for any punishment I may face for my acts in the afterlife. Remember my heir that those of the Slytherin line don't fall for cheap tricks that people may play around them, our family is cunning, intelligent, and ambitious. I hope you will imbibe these traits as a true Slytherin rather than those who were sorted into the house by the sorting hat, Ralphus.

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