New Grilfriend (re-edited)

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A/N: edited 12/20/2023 I changed it a bit by taking out that Harry talked with Professor Flitwick about Neville's wand because I thought of an even better Idea for how he gets a new wand. I also fix some minor things like rewording some things. Re-edited 1/17/2024 I only fixed some minor errors, added some sentences, and did some rewording.


"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

'Slytherin' - vision/memories

Chapter 7: New Girlfriend


Third Pov:

It had been 10 days since Harry had rescued Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets. Every day since he left the hospital he spends his time taking notes on lessons for Hermione, training in his Occlumency, and helping his roommates Neville, Seamus, and Dean do better in classes. Harry helped Neville with spell work which after giving him some advice and helping him he actually was able to cast the spells alot easier. Another thing he helped Neville with was potions telling him to not focus on Snape but strickly preparing the ingrediants and the directions. It was thanks to that advice that Neville actually was doing way better in potions. For Dean he was okay in most classes though he did struggle with tranfigurations which was an easy fix with Harry giving him the advice of focus on an image of what he wants as the out come while he does the spell and in potions he told him to think of it like cooking in a way telling him to focus solely on the potion the recipts like if he was baking. 

As for Seamus Harry helped him do better in all his classes giving him multiple tips to help cast spells better which lead to him no longer having explosions happen and can actually cast spells and as for potions he made him think of muggle science or cooking as well when coming to potions again tellling him tp focus on the steps follow them carefully even sugesting that he teams up with neville him or Dean instead of Ron which got him to have less acicdents. While Harry's, Neville's,Seamus's, and Dean's grades got better in all their classes Ron's grades dropped this year since Hermione has not been helping him he was barely passing.  When Harry was not in class taking notes, with the boys helping them with their school work, or training in secret with his Occlumency he would be seen at Hermione bedside holding her hand.

At this moment Harry sits in the chair next to Hermione bed holding her hand and uses his free hand to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. Harry could not wait for Hermione to be unpetrified like the others. He hate how she feels as stiff as a corpse. While Harry holds her cold hand like always his mood darkens to a dangerous point. Even if Hermione would no doubt not blame Harry for being the reason she was attacked Harry did blame himself.  He felt conflicted he truly believed he loved Hermione even if he never really got shown much examples of love while with the Dursleys he did see examples thanks to his gang parents as he saw how someone in love acted when he went to there house. He still remembers the day he asked them how did they know they were in love. They told him different things but a good amount of things they told him he felt with Hermione. Harry didn't know when he actually started to truly have feelings for Hermione but he knew that he loved her but not as a sister when he saw her just after she was petrified.  Harry didn't know if she could hear him but with them being alone in the hospital wing he couldn't help but speak like he tends to do when ever he visits. 

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