Talking with McGonagall (edited)

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A/N: edited 1/17/2024 I fixed some minor errors. I also reworded some of the sentences in this chapter.


"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

'Slytherin' - vision/memories

Chapter 8: Talking with McGonagall


Third Pov:
It's been hours now since Harry and Hermione started dating. After they had taken a nap the two talked about plans for the summer. Hermione wanted Harry to stay with her and her family but he shut that idea down. Hermione didn't like the idea of Harry staying with the Dursleys. Harry promises to write her to Hedwig every day. Hermione tells Harry how she wants him to call but he tells her that he has no phone he can use to do so after a bit of debate she reluctantly agrees to the letter idea but she tells him that if she doesn't get at least three letters a week she will be coming to get him no ifs and or buts. Harry agreed knowing that she would to and not even Dumbledore would stop her. Right now Harry walks the coridors heading to speak with his head of house. He had just visited Hedwig to send a letter off to Hermione's parents for Hermione. Of course when he stopped in Hedwig nipped at his ear a bit drawing a little blood which Harry knew was her way to scold him for not visiting sooner and for being reckless. Out of anyone in the castle the sorting hat and Hedwig know the real Harry none of the staff or his peers do. However, Harry plans to change that since he letting his true self show some. It took him 30 minutes to walk to his destination without using shortcuts. Harry could have used shortcuts but he wanted to take his time as he decides if he wants to keep playing quidditch or not. It was one of the things he discussed with his Hermione since nearly everytime he plays he always hurt in some way. Hermione had said though she never understand why she knows how Harry loves the game and she will continue to support him if he wants to continue to play the game as she sees how much he loves playing and how free he seems.

Harry wouldn't deny it when he was up there on his broom it felt amazing he felt free like all the worries and stuff he has to deal with doesn't matter at all. At the end Harry knew that he couldn't give up on quidditch it the only time he let the real him out and can feel no stess and forget his problems. By the time Harry reach his destinination Harry already had a plan to give Hermione a surprise for this summer with the help of Dobby. Harry stands outside the door of his head of houses office and knocks on the door. He heard the fimilar scottish voice of his teacher call out come in. Harry opens the door and spoke not with the attitude of a bumbling fool like he usesd to but istead he spoke like a proud member of a lion's pride. Since seeing through the dark lords memories Harry had went through many changes not that he notices one change being how he now walks with more grace and confidence instead of laziness and a slouch. 

Harry-"I apologise for disturbing you Professor McGonagall, but I would like to speak with you about changing my electives next year."

McGonagall-*looks at him leans back in her seat*"I see your the fourth student to come to me to switch your elective class Mr.Potter."

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