Chapter 9

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Nia pov

I stared at the piece of paper in front of me for what I presume to be hours . How was I supposed to contact that idiot when I was trapped down here . Regardless of me escaping this room i had no phone and I hadn't seen any phone in this entire household .

My brain was working overtime so I decided to close my eyes and rest


I don't know how long I was out for but I woke up to the dead bolt unlocking and the door scraping against the floor .  Pushing against the floor with my good arm I straightened my posture . Preparing for anything

Black boots emerged and I looked up to see one of the guards bringing me my meal . From what I remember his name was Benjamin. He had a buzz cut . His platinum blonde hair very close to his scalp . With a dark blue  eye that practically looked black and a peculiar white eye . he had a scar running down his eye which would explain it's white colour. He was muscular and stood at maybe 6ft .

He placed the plate of slop next to me and stared at me for a second before turning to make his way up the stairs .   electricity  through my mind in that very moment.

" wait !"
He turned to look at me and slowly walked towards me.
" I need your help "
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion .
" you know if I help you I'd have a bullet between my eyes within a second "

I didn't expect the deep baritone that came out of him and it sent shivers down my spine .

" I know but I...I can't take this anymore" gently lifting myself up I pulled the paper out of my pocket at held it out to him
" I don't want this to be the end for me . I don't want to be a statistic. Please just call this number for me . Please "
He looked at me wearily before gasping the paper and put it in his front pocket .

" I'll try princess "

With that he left me and a tiny flash of hope filled my chest . Closing my eyes I did what I know best to runaway from my pessimistic thoughts . I slept


It's been 2 days since I've seen Benjamin and it was most likely that he was dead . Different guards were bringing my meals and my hope for escape dwindled

Today a dark skinned guard brought down my food and left .   I tried this chewy mess that didn't even have the decency to have salt . I was only eating this because I didn't want to die of starvation . It wasn't a cool way to go out for me personally.

Not even five minutes later the door was opened again . I was afraid it would be Dimitri because no one ever entered here twice a day

A breath I didn't even know I was holding rolled out of me when I saw Benjamin. He kneeled in front of me
" todays your day princess , I just need to move you from where you're sitting "

Carefully lifting me up a placing his muscled arms around my back and underneath my knees so I wouldn't bend them after the trauma they endured .

He placed me towards the side of the room so that the furtherest wall was away from me . And I was much closer to the door. Then he kneeled down and stared into my eyes

" well when you're out of here I won't be here to say goodbye to you princess , but this won't be the last time I see you .  I'll always look out for you . And when you're sure you're safe . I'll come find you and we'll have a cup of coffee "

" promise ?"
" I promise princess " with that he kissed my cheek and left the room

I'm not sure how long it was but the next thing I heard was gunshots ringing around the house .

Then it felt like the ground was shaking underneath me and the furthest wall was blown into a million pieces  . I coughed up my lungs before covering my nose so I wouldn't inhale anymore and i squinted to see what was going on

I saw a silhouette of a man and the closer he got I could recognise him . It was Aleksandr .

" my men  don't have much time to fight them off ok so we need to hurry "
He picked me up and rushed me out of the home into the green field that surrounded the back of the house . 

Aleksandr stood looking up for something  that had me questioning if he knew what he was doing .

A harsh wind blew over what was left of my hair . I looked up to see a helicopter coming towards us . When it landed we raced towards it but stopped when bullets flew past us

I looked over Aleksandr's shoulder to see Dimitri with his shirt torn and heaving

" you can't run away from me ! We're meant to be together "
As Aleksandr put me in the helicopter a bullet flew past him into my shoulder .
I hurried Aleksandr into the helicopter so we could get out of here trying hard to not flex my shoulder so the bullet wouldn't go any deeper

The last thing I saw was Dimitri with wild eyes on his knees clutching his hair and screaming into the sky . There after I was engulfed by darkness as we crusade through the sky

Not my favourite chapter I might rewrite it but let me know what you think .  Let me know if the song I picked goes with the song cause I was really conflicted. Don't forget to vote
Much love

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