chapter 32

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Enzo pov

I stared at her playing with Meadow on the living room floor . Her skin illuminated by the sun flowing from the window . Her curls bouncing as she tickled Meadow .

How could she be so perfect?

Getting up from my seat in the kitchen I decided to join them . For the first time in years. I felt happy . Happy with the bravest , sincere, naturing , beautiful women

I was happy


In the afternoon Santiago entered my office . Kicking my door open as always to place some papers on my desk .

" did you find anything? "

" well I found out that it's our future Donna's birthday tomorrow "

" what ?!" Grabbing the papers at the edge of my desk there it was in black and white

18th May 2000

"Santiago I-I have to do something for her " I said as I stood up to pace around my office

"Something to show I care " I take three steps right then turn around

" something special like her "
Three steps turns

" something to show that I-i love her "
Grasping my shoulders Santiago turned me to look at him

" I'll help you fratello , don't worry " he said with a smile . Taking a deep breath in I prepared myself for the surprise tomorrow

Nia pov

The sun came flowing into the room . Cracking my eyes open to see the white chiffon curtains blowing in the morning breeze .

Stretching my hand out to the left of me I'm met with nothing but sheets. I decide that it's better if I wake up at that point.

Throwing on Enzo's shirt I go out the bedroom my nose upturned into the air leading me to the kitchen .

I was met with the most heartwarming scene .

My Meadow was sitting on the countertop her legs around a clear glass bowl and Enzo standing behind her smiling. His hands and hers were around a wooden spoon mixing.

I was leaning on the door smiling for a moment before Meadow noticed me

"Mama! Mama ! " she shouted doing a cute little wiggle

Stepping forward I stand next to Enzo and he wraps his broad arm around my shoulders bringing me into his chest kissing my forehead .

" it was supposed to be a surprise Amore mio" my love he spoke against my hair

" well I'm sorry that I woke up Mr perfectionist " I said rolling my eyes.

" well since you're here we could use a pair of hands " I smiled at him and we got to work


" get dressed Amore mio we're going somewhere." He said putting on a suit jacket

" where to ?" I said frowning while putting on brown lip liner in front of the vanity

" it is a surprise " that's the last thing he told me and the next thing I know is I'm on a plane and now we're in a black suv driving around . I can't see anything because he decided to blindfold me

"Enzooooooo are we there yet ?" I whined growing tired of such a long journey

" be patient Amore mio" he said with a light chuckle with Meadow mumbling everytime he spoke

The car suddenly came to a halt and Enzo led me out of the car one arm with Meadow and the other trying to put me in position with this blindfold still on.

The blindfold came off my eyes and after adjusting to the light immediate tears sprung to my eyes .

"E-enzo ?..." I said voice cracking as I turned around . His green eyes boring into mine . Sinking deep into my heart

"Do you remember how we met Amore mio? A strange woken came up to me asking me for my phone on the day I was the most Irritated " he spoke softly with a smile on his face

" I had no time for sob stories I had business to attend to that day however when I heard the ache in your voice for some strange reason I wanted to touch you , to hold you and tell you it will be alright but I didn't even know your name " taking a step closer he spoke again

" I tried looking for you at first but it's like you had disappeared into thin air . and here you are brought back to me. I need to you understand I'd do anything for you to crack a smile my way. I'd be Shot 100 times for you to be happy . I'd lay down my life for your happiness. I'd walk away if you'd tell me that I should for you to be happy. My heart burns in agony only for you. Because you are my first and only love . Amore mio . il mio cuore. Happy birthday la mia anima .I love you more than life itself Nia " my heart... my soul

I wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him and crying into his chest.

" t-thank you so much " I said into his chest

" don't thank me I'd do it again in a heartbeat "

Turning towards the house , about to go up the porch steps when the door burst open.

A short frumpy structure in a royal blue dress came rushing down the steps engulfing me in a hug.

Her scent bringing back so many memories and all I had longed for, for years

"Mama I-I missed you so much" I cried onto her shoulder. The weight of it all falling off me and carried by my mother .

" I missed you too baby. Welcome home"

This has been delayed long enough. It might not be the best chapter but I missed you guys sm.
( also thoughts on Bridgerton season 3 ? Penelope has been my girl from season 1 yall )

Much love

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