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"Youngie, this is really sweet but the cinema room is there for a reason, you really don't need have to do this." San offered, as he stood on the side lines watching Wooyoung flit about at high speed arranging things decadently across the floor.

"I know I don't have to, I want to. Movie nights are much more fun in a little make-shift bed. Didn't you ever do this, Sannie?" Wooyoung threw back to San, still not glancing his way as he was too infixed on making the cushions just right, patting away like a squirrel preparing for hibernation.

San raked his mind through every memory of a movie night or sleepover in general, realising that he had never strayed out like this. His parents created the cinema room solely for these nights with his friends, kitted out fully with a state of the art huge HQ screen, large heated seats that doubled out into beds, and a mini fridge loaded with snacks at all times.

Yet Wooyoung had politely turned down the visit to said room and led San on a goose-chase around the home, filling both of their arms with as many blankets and pillows they could carry before setting them in the living area where Wooyoung had requested to stay and watch a movie on the smaller screened TV instead.

"No, I guess I never did. This will be my first one, with you. You're really something else, Woo."

That finally managed to pull Wooyoung's focus temporarily from the disobedient cushions, as he beamed up at San with the pearly-white smile the boy had become so fond of so quickly. He jumped up, hopping over his careful arrangement to make his way over to San, placing a gentle kiss up on the tip of his nose before turning away and planting himself in the middle of his nest.

Though San could now maintain physical contact with Wooyoung without flushing to a deeper shade, he could not prevent his heartbeat quickening. He didn't even want to. He really liked the feeling, and it left him excited to see how many firsts the new boy would bring to his life.

"I'm just going to get some snacks, I'll be back in a second. Get cosy and make a space for me, baby." San left the room with a grin, turning his back to miss the soft gleam of affection in Wooyoung's eyes.

He returned shortly after to see Wooyoung sat cross legged in the same space he left him in, with the shorter mumbling with his head down that he wanted San to lie down first so he could 'work around him', ultimately leading to Wooyoung fitting snugly into the side of and over San's right half of his body.

Kisses, sometimes gentle and sometimes deeper, and roaming hands popped up every now and then, pulling the boys focus from the movies that played back to back through the night. They conversed, babbling and giggling about something or nothing. The proximity between them stayed slim to none, only breaking apart when Wooyoung left for a bathroom break... with San getting up to find him wandering the corridors 10 minutes later, blushing furiously due to getting lost on his way back.

He lightly teased the boy before picking him up and carrying him back to their space, Wooyoung not bothering to unfasten himself from San's hold and San just as less willing to let go. They fell asleep just like that, arms and legs messily wrapped somewhere around the others body, enclosed warmly under the mass of mulitiple blankets and pillows with the beautiful dark hue of the night and soft white moon shining on them through the large panel windows.


San was the first to awake the next morning, one arm tucked under Wooyoung and the other reaching out and swatting the space behind him to stifle the noise of his phones alarm. He had forgotten to disable the earlier one he used daily to work out before school, deciding to skip his usual routine in order to snag an extra hour of peace with the boy attached to him.

He successfully turned it off before feeling Wooyoung stir lightly, mumbling noises into the crook of San's neck. The taller smiled contently, shifting their positions slightly to bring Wooyoung up to his eyeline.

"So fucking perfect." San muttered under his breath, marvelling at the close-up view of Wooyoung's sleeping face. His full lips pouted in their natural state, dark lashes fanning delicately, eyebrows slightly furrowed and the most serene, satin smooth skin. Did I always have this much interest in people I've only known for 3 days? He wondered internally.

San placed delicate, barely there kisses all over aforementioned areas, breathing sweet nothings with every peck. He liked to show affection through soft intimacy, but never usually this much, this fast or this soon with someone.

At the most, he had casual situationships and one/two-night-stands with both sexes. Not easy for a teenager who longed for something more lasting and genuine but was forced the hand of the toxic hook-up culture of their ages. As mentioned, he was never short of the attention or ability to screw around, but rarely did anyway.

What's so different about you, Wooyoung? Are you good for me? Why do I feel like it's okay to be a little more hopeful about you? He debated in his head against the boy beside him.

How You Became My Everything. | WooSan | 18+Where stories live. Discover now