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"Boyfriends?? Officially together, together? YAAAAAAAY!!" the now mysteriously fine Hwa leapt from the floor, fist bumping and hugging the two boys still seated as they smiled and exchanged a glance with one another.

San followed soon after, congratulating the pair with his 'I knew this would come one day' and 'proud of you both' heartful comments, as did Wooyoung. He watched the situation in total awe, finding himself willing to voice his genuine admiration.

"I hope it's okay for me to say, but this is really nice to see guys. To tell you the truth, I was a bit unfortunate friend-wise in my last school, finding that nobody really wanted me around because I was gay. I've never been witness to such an honest display of support and love between a group of male friends, let alone an out-couple. Thank you both for letting me be a part of it, and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for letting me be a part of this group." Wooyoung stated before he bowed his head, his voice slightly shaky but laced with total meaning and loyalty.

As the other boys took in Wooyoung's compassionate words, San felt his breath catch in his throat and his eyes fill softly with a few tears. Wooyoung really had never known a shred of care and acceptance in his social and academic life, and San was anxious at the possibility that had it not been for the love and support of his parents, Wooyoung never would've made it as far as he had.

Just as he was preparing to pull the shorter close to him and take him in with every fibre of his being, Mingi beat him to it by yanking the boy roughly but affectionately toward him, squeezing him tight and patting his back.

"You're so, very welcome, Wooyoung. You're a part of us, now. I don't know what shit you had to go through to be so shocked at basic human respect and decency, and it's your choice to ever share. But you'll never be exposed to that again." Mingi held Wooyoung by the shoulders, words of affirmation flowing from him easier than normal as their friends watched on lovingly.

Yunho cupped his face and dragged his thumbs daintily across his cheeks, catching the tears of relief falling from the shorter's eyes as his own strayed freely.

"You are such a special person, Youngie. You're honest, thoughtful and so strong-minded. We're just sorry we didn't get to you sooner." Yunho spoke through his comforting smile, Wooyoung returning a grin and a sniffle back.


Ah. There it was. The brain-rattling shock of Hwa's voice cutting through the moment (rather perfectly) to ground the group before things became too emotional. Funnily enough, coming from the man who was currently fastened around Wooyoung's legs, crying and having found his way back to the floor.

Wooyoung laughed, a perfect, high-pitched laugh that lit San's heart with a warmness he couldn't put into words, as he watched Wooyoung pick Hwa up off the floor and try his best in vain to calm him down. Seeing his closest friends take such a liking to the boy only confirmed to him further that he was right in his judgement.

Wooyoung was, simply put, a thoroughly wonderful human being. Despite everything he had gone through, relatively alone too, he remained to be someone with good intentions and a willingness to trust.

Just as Hwa had finished wiping his wet face into everyone's shirts, the bell rang signifying the start of their school day. The group shared their first class, so started making their way out the room one by one in high spirits.


Wooyoung turned to see San still stood in the room, his pace deliberately slow to temporarily lose the guys in front.

He treaded over to the boy, seeing a look he recognised as concern and unease. "Yes, Sannie?"

Instead of continuing with words, San felt the overwhelming urge to express how he felt in another manner. He lunged forward, quickly closing the gap between the two, before placing a firm but caring hold around Wooyoung's face and kissing him with passion.

The two boys held in each others embrace, lips meeting heatedly and deeply, taking each other demandingly with their mouths as though they tried to convey through their actions all that was left unsaid.

I don't give a fuck how soon it is. I know how I feel. I'll never let anything or anyone hurt you that way again. San affirmed with a gentle lick of his tongue dragged against Wooyoung's bottom lip, tasting the sweet tear that'd fallen there in the moment.

I already feel so protected when I have you near. I really hope you stay with me. Wooyoung proclaimed, through a gentle tug of San's hair as he put their foreheads against one another, eyes meeting filled to the brim with raw emotion but certainty on both sides.

Unbeknownst to the two lost in their own world, the three other members stood within far but clear eye-sight of the entrance to the room.

"I called it to myself at training the other day. It's so tiring having such a big smart brain." Hwa smirked, still watching in awe as his best friend opened his heart to someone he thoroughly approved of.

"Didn't we tell you? Mingi and I called it 10 minutes into San introducing us to Wooyoung that same morning." Yunho beamed softly, hand in hand with Mingi.

"Meh, they both deserve someone like each other. All good, all round. I'm not gonna push for them to announce it, they probably don't want us to think it's too soon. We'll be here when they're ready." Mingi looked on proudly.

How You Became My Everything. | WooSan | 18+Where stories live. Discover now