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Minho found himself preparing for school after a lengthy rest, but a persistent cough accompanied his movements. He dressed in a comfortable gray hoodie, featuring a graphic design of a rabbit with its head as hand forming a middle finger-an interesting choice. His matching pants completed the laid-back look.

As he gathered his belongings and readied himself to leave his room, his coughs echoed throughout the space. Heading downstairs, he was intercepted by Ryujin's voice from the kitchen.

"You're not having breakfast?" Ryujin queried, her figure leaned against the kitchen counter, munching on a cookie. Her arm was in a cast, and the bandage on her forehead was visible, indicating her own injuries and her absence from school due to doctor's orders for rest.

"Nah, I'll just snag some of Jeongin's lunch," Minho replied hoarsely, punctuating his response with another cough.

Ryujin furrowed her brows, concern evident. "Aren't you going to eat at least a little so you can take your cough medicine?" she scolded lightly.

Minho teased, "Since when did you become my mom?" before quickly grabbing a light snack from the kitchen, hoping to divert Ryujin's scolding.

Observing Minho rummaging through cabinets, Ryujin quipped, "I'm just worried you might start another pandemic," as she reached for another bite of cookie from the jar with her uninjured hand.

Eventually, Minho settled for a bagel and cream cheese from the fridge. He swiftly spread a generous amount of cream cheese on the halved bagel, savoring his quick yet nutritious breakfast.

After finishing, he took his cough medicine before preparing to head out once more.

"Wear a mask, Min. You don't want to infect anyone with your cough," Ryujin reminded him.

With an exaggerated eye roll, Minho spun around, snatched a face mask, and shot a glare at Ryujin, who was chuckling by the kitchen counter, seemingly teasing him for having to go to school.

"Can I leave now?" Minho muffled through his mask, his annoyance evident.

Ryujin tilted her head, mouth twisted in a smirk. "Yeah, bye loser," she teased.

With a grumble, Minho exited the shared living area. He made his way to the car, slipped into the driver's seat, and reluctantly started the engine, setting off for school.


Jisung lay comfortably on his bed, one leg propped up while the other rested atop it, his ankle moving in a relaxed rhythm.

Dressed in loose gray sweatpants, a peek of the Supreme boxer band showed at his waist. His bare upper body was on full display, showcasing defined lines and a glint from his belly piercing.

His gaze remained fixed on the mounted TV across the room, though his expression seemed distant, his attention more focused to gently stroking the soft black fur curled up beside him.

Chewing on his tongue, feeling the silver orb pierced through it, Jisung murmured, "Delancy, what do you think of having sex without love in it?" His gaze shifted to the feline purring beside him.

The movie displayed an intimate scene between two characters, with moans and love-making sounds resonating in Jisung's room. Knowing that Delancy wouldn't reply, he shifted his gaze back to the movie, his other hand affectionately stroking the feline, eliciting satisfied purrs.

Jisung continued watching, apparent disinterest painting his expression. "I thought this movie would turn me on, but it's doing the opposite," he mumbled, turning his body to face Delancy, choosing to ignore the intimate movie playing on the TV.

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