Chapter 15. Cutting Out Part Of The Infection

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Deku continued to slowly drag himself through the sewers in his injured state, but his already broken bones were starting to get to much for him, so he did something he learned during the war against AFO.

Gritting his teeth, he activated blackwhip and had it coat the parts of his body that had broken bones, before he made it send small tendrils through the skin and muscle, to get to the bone.

"Aghhhh" he groaned out in pain as it felt as bad as getting shot, but he pushed through until he found the bones that were broken and had the tendrils bite into them before he took a deep breath.


He fell to the ground trying not to scream in pain as he forced the tendrils to snap all his bones back into place and stay to make sure the bone mends right.

Deku did have to thank One For All, for one thing right now, it's increased durability and the fact that he heals faster than normal people, it's not a healing quirk, but it makes his body work twice as fast to heal the damage done to him.

Slowly he stood back up and began to walk forward, he had to make sure he put enough distance between himself and the heroes, before he could leave the sewer.

"If I remember correctly... a underground doctor lives near here" he said before taking a left to head where he believes the doctor lives.


"Come again" said a man who waved goodbye to a thug who now had his arm in a sling after it got shattered.

"Fuck you and your over charged prices" he growled out as he stomped off.

"Hehehe I guess I won't heal you then, unless you pay triple my price now" he said with a grin as he walked back to his cabinets and began to move bottles and medical gear around to reorganize them.

He continued this for a couple minutes before his door opened and was shut along with it being locked.

"Ah I'll be with y-" he stopped as he saw Deku standing before him with his hood off and his eyes boring straight into his soul.

Deku then reached into his backpack and pulled out a flash drive from one of Overhauls many bank accounts "¥42,460,800.00 in this flash drive if you heal me and don't ask any questions nor call anyone" he said.


The doctor smiled at hearing that and gestured to the chair "don't worry I'll heal you completely and won't say a word" he said reaching for the drive but Deku held it back.

"After you heal me so I know you won't back stabe me" Deku said.

"Hehehe smart decision" he said as he activated his quirk and a green slime started to form on his hands "now this will sting".

"I've dealt with worse" he said darkly.

"I can see that".


Ochako and Mina were sitting in Ochakos room gently holding Eri as she continued to cry, she saw the news and what they were doing to her father... if it wasn't for Aizawa rushing in and using his quirk, it might've turned nasty.

"It's ok Eri, I promise it's ok" Mina said gently as she rubbed her back in a soothing manner.

"B-but papa... he's so hurt and alone... and A-all For One is gonna come after him" she said between tears.

Ochako was about to ask who before memories began to rush back into her head of said villain and all the horrible things he did, to get Eri and Izuku.

More memories began to flood her head showing lots of things she has never seen before, from a culture festival to make Eri smile, to the fact that they captured Overhaul then Izuku unlocking that black whispy thing he uses for his new arm and her saving him from hurting himself, then them fighting the meta liberation army.

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