Chapter Two: Hanging Out With The Upper Moons.

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As Y/N waited in his room for an upper moon to pick him up he began to hum to himself as he sang a little song he learned from his Nii-San. 

"Awre ywou, awre ywou. Cwoming to thwe tree? I twold ywou two rwun swo we bwoth would bwe fwee. Stwange thwings hawve hwappened hwere no stwanger would it bwe if we mwet at dwanwn bwy thwe hanwing twree." As Y/N repeated that song Doma listened to his voice and smiled approvingly he liked it as he opened the door Y/N looked at him with a smile. "Doma_Sama!" Doma smiled as he crouched down and picked Y/N up. "Good morning- I mean afternoon Y/N how'd you sleep?" Doma asked calmly as Y/N replied happily. "I slwept lwike a bwaby!" Doma chuckled and when he arrived where the others were his smile faltered slightly as he looked at the others. "Can I help you?" Doma asked bluntly as the others rolled their eyes and Akaza sighed. "We are all looking after him did you forget?" Doma shook his head. "I didn't forget I just simply didn't care." Doma replied truthfully, brutal but truthfully as Akaza had an irked mark formed on his forehead but before anything drastic happened Y/N speaks up in a sad voice. "Where's Mwittens?" Y/N looked around for his plushie of a cat he called 'Mittens' as the upper moons noticed tears in his eyes they began to look for it and when no one could find it Y/N began to cry. "Wahh!" Doma rubbed circles on Y/N's back as he cried into their shoulder, this did shock the upper moons but they still didn't really trust Doma after all he does eat women what makes them think that he won't eat you too when their backs are turned?

Y/N continued crying when Gyutaro held the plushie up like a trophy. "Found it!" Y/N turned around quickly and reached his hands out to it in a grabby motion as the others chuckled at his childish antics. As Gyutaro handed him the plush Y/N hugged it and spoke all giddy but sniffled still. "Thwank ywou Gyutaro_San!" Gyutaro smiled and chuckled. "Don't worry about it kid." 

After a while all the upper moons and Y/N played games such as hide n' seek, tag/it, duck duck goose, board games, playing with Y/N's toys, makeovers and read stories. However after a while Y/N felt really sleepy as he was next to Nakime he leaned onto her side and shut his eyes and fell asleep as all the upper moons stayed quiet and didn't dare to make a sound as all they heard was Y/N's soft snores leaving his mouth which made the upper moons smile proudly as they all thought to themselves.

'We did a good job..'

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