Chapter Five: Healing Kagaya & Earning respect from the Hashira!

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As Y/N sat there hugging Kagaya the Hashira had kept a close eye on him and so did Tanjiro they didn't feel so sure about Y/N being on their masters lap and cuddling him but they felt like they could trust him in a way since they weren't sure if he ate humans until Sanemi had enough.

"ENOUGH!" Sanemi yelled as Y/N turned to look at him and so did the others. "Forgive me master! But I must!" And with that Sanemi ran swiftly and grabbed the struggling Y/N as he threw him onto the floor as he slit his wrist like he did to Nezuko. He had to make sure he could trust Muzan's brother and prove that he was untrustworthy but to everyone's surprise Y/N tilted his head as he spoke. "I Pwefer animwal blwood thwank ywou." Kagaya smiled as Y/N waddled his way to Kagaya once more snuggling into him. "Onii-Chan?" Y/N looked up at Kagaya as Kagaya tilted his head. "Yes?" "I havwe a curwe fwor ywour diswease." Everyone's eyes widened at this as Y/N clicked his fingers as a green liquid was in his hand. "Dwink." He handed the medication that was full of herbs and flowers. Y/N had been using animals to make sure it worked and it did. As Kagaya drank it. 

The Hashira's watched in anticipation and so did the twin daughters as Kagaya's skin went clear once more and his eyesight was returned, everyone looked at Y/N in shock as Y/N smiled. "Dwo ywou fweel bwetter now Nii-San?" Kagaya began to cry as he looked at the small smiling demon in front of him. Kagaya grabbed Y/N and snuggled him as he cried 'Thank you's' or 'Sorry's' as Y/N patted his back confused when suddenly Tanjiro walked up to Y/N and crouched down. "Um... Y/N was it?" Y/N turned to look at the boy and nodded as Kagaya released his grip slightly. "Well... do you know how to turn demons into humans?" Y/N put a finger to his chin as he nodded and Tanjiro's smile widened. "REALLY? HOW!? CAN YOU SHOW ME-" Y/N put a finger to his lips as he answered. "I'm workwing on cwure so pwease be cawlm." Tanjiro nodded as Y/N removed the finger from his lips as Tanjiro asked one more question. "How long till it's done? And how are you so smart?" Y/N giggled happily as he blushed at the compliment (He's embarrassed) as he answered shyly. "Not lwong... And I'wve lwearnt frwom Nii-Chan and Uppwer Mwoons!" Y/N answered honestly as he yawned and he turned to look at the watery eyed smiling Kagaya. "Nii-Chan... *Yawns* Mwe slweepy.." Y/N rubbed his eyes as he leaned into Kagaya as Kagaya smiled. "Sleep." Y/N began to doze off and after a while soft snores left Y/N's tiny mouth as the Hashira's and Kagaya went to finish the meeting.

Most of them were still in shock that a demon that is Muzan's little brother AKA Y/N, had healed their master, they were all internally grateful and this made them trust Y/N and want to keep him as their little brother and to protect them.

Muzan's Little Brother. {Demon Slayer/KNY x Male Child Reader}Where stories live. Discover now