Chapter Nine: The Punishment Doma had to face...

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After the incident with the potion incident with Doma and Y/N. Everyone decided that they would Punish Doma by making sure he doesn't see Y/N for 3 years but of course it was harder than it seemed.

Doma had tried sneaking in through the back of Y/N's window unfortunately it was merely another fail as he was caught by Daki and Gyuataro who was watching over Y/N.

Another time he tried to break into Kokushibos room. That's right Upper 1's room all because he wanted to see Y/N but was instantly sliced by his rib cage when Kokushibo saw him he was pissed and Doma ran from fear. He didn't want to become Upper moon ones lunch.

After a while the Upper moons had enough with Domas childish behaviour so they had made themselves walk down the hallway to sort him out because if he couldn't accept he couldn't see Y/N for a couple of years than he might as well never see him again. As they were about to knock on the door they heard childish giggles.

To be more specific... those where Y/N's childish giggles. Kokushibo and Akaza instantly kicked the door down to see Doma tickling the small Y/N.

The Upper moons were furious why couldn't Doma just go away?...
It was as if he was a robot. Something they couldn't get rid off no matter how hard they tried.

Kokushibo spoke up as his voice came out stern and cold. "What do you think your doing Doma?" It was merely a rhetorical question when Doma replied sarcastically. "Looking after Y/N what do you think?" Kokushibo gritted his teeth he wanted to punch Doma and torture him. But Y/N was there so he bit his lip and spoke. "Well give him to Akaza so we can have a 'prep talk' and it's only adults Y/N." Y/N was about to raise his hand bit whined when Kokushibo added that it just didn't seem fair to him. Yes he may be Muzans little brother and a baby but he was smart enough to help with and adults conversation.

As Y/N was passed to Akaza by the reluctant Doma, Akaza instantly left knowing what Kokushibo and the others were going to do except Hentengu of course he was too much of a cry baby in Akazas eyes. "Wherwe awre we gwoing?" Y/N asked in his baby like voice as Akaza chuckled. "We are going go play in your room!" Y/N raised his hands up excitedly as he cheered. "YWAY!" Akaza chuckled he always loved seeing Y/N happy and he would do anything to see that little smile of his forever.

Muzan's Little Brother. {Demon Slayer/KNY x Male Child Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin