Chapter Eight: The Potion...

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Y/N began to slowly stir in his sleep when he felt someone shaking him. Y/N opened his eyes and noticed it was Doma waking him up, Y/N sat up as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Doma_San... Iwt's verwy earlwy in thwe morwning what arwe yowu doiwng wakiwng mwe uwp?" Doma held up a liquid that glowed blue as he handed it to Y/N. "Drink." Doma spoke with urgency as Y/N shook his head. "Nwo." Doma frowned as he grabbed Y/N's head and forcibly opened Y/N's lips and made him drink the strange neon blue liquid. "Sorryyy Y/N_Chan but Daki, Gyuataro, Kokushibo, Akaza or any of the upper moons would take it!" As Doma finished pouring the liquid down Y/N's throat he let go of Y/N, Y/N fell back on his futon gripping his stomach in pain. "Y/N_Chan are you oka-" Y/N began to cough violently as blood slowly came out of his mouth, Doma panicked as he picked Y/N up. Y/N's blood began pouring out of his mouth and since Doma called the meeting everyone arrived tired until they noticed Y/N coughing violently on their own blood. 

Everyone began to panic when a Biwa sound rang through the air and a voice spoke. "Muzan_Sama has arrived." Nakime and Muzan looked at the blood soaked Y/N who was coughing violently . "Y/N!!!" Muzan yelled his voice was thick with panic. Doma looked down guiltily which Akaza caught on. "Doma... what did you do?" Everyone looked at Doma except Muzan as he tried to make his brother calm down as he gave them water. 

"I may have... gave them the potion... you guys wouldn't take.... and... forced it down their throat.." Everyone froze as Muzan's aura became thick with anger and venom. "You did what?" Everyone froze until Y/N had stopped coughing and began to cry. "IT HURWT! HURWT!" Bloody tears poured down Y/N's face as Muzan focused once more on Y/N as all the upper moons + Nakime shot Doma a glare however Doma looked down guiltily as he bit his lip. He didn't mean to do this to Y/N he didn't want him to suffer...

Y/N was still crying as Muzan clutched onto him unsure what to do. "Onii-Chan! Onii-Chan! It hurwt! Mwe in pwain!" All the upper moons looked at Y/N as they began to think frantically about what to do when Kokushibo yelled. "MASTER! YOU MAKE POTIONS! TRY TO FIND ONE THAT'LL CURE Y/N! WE'LL LOOK AFTER HIM!" Muzan nodded as he handed Y/N to Kokushibo. "Koko! It hurwt! Mwe hurwt mwe want Onii-Chan! Onii-Chan! WAHHHH!!" Blood continued spilling from Y/N's mouth making the upper moons look at Y/N hopelessly... They didn't know what to do Y/N felt like a brother to them. They couldn't bare to see him suffer like this. Y/N leaned over Kokushibo as he began coughing again blood stained the floor as Daki began to cry as Gyutaro hugged her to comfort her when suddenly Akaza snapped. "This is your fault!" Akaza pointed at Doma as he spoke. "IF YOU NEVER FORCED Y/N TO DRINK THAT STUPID POTION! HE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS!" Kokushibo looked at Akaza as he shot him a warning glare. "Akaza." "NO KOKUSHIBO! HE SHOULDN-" "Akaza, enough." Kokushibo looked at Y/N as his breathing became uneasy... 

The upper moons watched Y/N in panic when thankfully a Biwa sound was heard. "I found a cure!" Muzan ran over to Y/N as the upper moons moved out of the way in respect as Muzan lifted up Y/N. "Drink." Y/N shook his head as Muzan sighed and shot a glare at Doma, he was lucky Muzan needed him for future plans or he'd be dead already. "It will heal you please?..." Y/N nodded as he opened his blood stained mouth as Muzan poured a light green liquid inside. Y/N fell asleep as the upper moons sighed in relief and so did Muzan. 

Muzan took Y/N out of Kokushibo's hand as he turned to look at Doma. "You, we need to talk in my office and as for you lot." Muzan turned to look at the other upper moons and sighed. "Clean up this mess." The upper moons nodded, it seemed like they had lost their voice during all their panic and worry. 

A Biwa sound was heard as Muzan, Y/N and Doma vanished...

Muzan's Little Brother. {Demon Slayer/KNY x Male Child Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن