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"Mystic Falls?" Dean echoed. "That doesn't sound like a real town."

Sam shrugged. "It is Virginia... But dude, these vamps... there not like anything we've ever dealt with."

"Yeah, you said that. Twice."

"I'm sorry, it's just... They're like a totally different species. Different Alpha, different feeding methods, different faces-"

"Wait." Dean interrupted. "There's another Alpha?"

"Yeah." Sam scoffed. "More like a whole freaking family of them. They're called the Originals. The first family of vampires. Except one of them is not just a vampire. He's also a werewolf."

Dean shook his head, trying to take in what he was hearing. "So... So he's a vamp and a wolf all at once?"

Sam nodded his head. "They're called hybrids. And Klaus is the Original Hybrid. Not only that but his brother, Elijah, is psychotically honorable, whereas his sister, Rebekah, is psychotically desperate. And his other brother, Kol, is psychotically erratic, and his oldest brother, Finn, is psychotically suicidal."

"Alright, I get it. A family of Original vampires that are psychotically psychotic." Dean summarized. "What did you do about them?"

Sam looked confused. "What? Nothing. Dude, the only way they can be killed is with a white oak stake fashioned by they're extremely temperamental, extremely dead mother that burns up once it's used."

"Is that the only way to kill these vamps?" Dean inquired.

"Just the Originals." He answered.

"So the others can be killed any other way?"

"Yeah, basically. Stakes to the heart, cutting off heads, even this one plant called uhmm.... Vervain burns the SOBs."

Dean took a deep breath. This was a lot to take in. "So what were you doing there?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you caught a case, but obviously it wasn't for these Originals. So what else is going on in Mystic Falls?" Dean asked.

Sam looked back at Elena, who was almost done with her beer. When he turned back, his expression was blank. "That's something you have to ask Elena..." He answered quietly.



"Hey." Dean said, walking up behind the two women outside. They turned around, startled, and Lisa smiled while Elena looked indifferent.

"What's up, Dean?" Lisa asked. Dean looked from her to Elena, realizing that they both had brown eyes, but for some reason, Elena's looked more vibrant, more inviting.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Elena for a minute...?"

Lisa and Elena exchanged a glance, and Elena gave her a half-smile. Lisa looked back at Dean, nodding. "Sure. I'll just go check on Ben." She started towards the back door, giving Dean a quick kiss as she passed.

"So," Elena turned his attention away from Lisa, "what did you want to talk about?"

Dean found himself getting lost in her big brown eyes, butterflies flying around in his stomach. But he was confused. Why am I feeling like this? He asked himself, but he didn't want to find out the answer. Not yet.

"Uh, I wanted to ask you about Mystic Falls." Dean muttered, grabbing two more beers out of the cooler, and popping them open, handing one over to Elena.

The Girl With A Past ((Completed))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt