Bad Intentions

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The first thing he felt was pain in his nose. That was actually the only thing he felt besides the sting of a few cuts on his cheeks and the sticky wetness of blood. He groaned, peeling his eyes open, only everything was blurry for a minute. He managed to see the outline of someone that looked like Castiel, with Dean and Elena standing off to the side, but he couldn't be sure until his vision focused.

"You're right, he does look terrible." Sam heard what sounded like Castiel's voice say. They both glanced over at Dean, but Sam had to blink hard a few times to get his vision right.

He groaned again, looking up at Castiel's, now clearer, face. The first thing he recognized was the crystal, blue eyes. "Cas?" Sam managed, though his voice was hoarse and strained. He pulled at the ropes that bound his hands. "What's-" He was interrupted by Cas pulling up his eyelid to look in his eyes. "Let me go."

"Has he been feverish?" Castiel asked.

"Have you?" Dean demanded from across the room.

Cas let go of Sam's face, and honestly the only thing Sam knew was that he was tied to a chair and he was being questioned. "No! Why?" Sam answered, his voice still hoarse and confused. 

"Is he speaking in tongues? Are you speaking in tongues?" Castiel asked.

"No!" Sam exclaimed quietly, staring at Cas. "What're you-" He groaned inwardly when he realized what was going on. The two nitwits thought they could figure out what was wrong with him. Helloooooo, Soulless! "Are you... diagnosing me?"

"You better hope he can." Elena said, her soft voice worried.

"Do you really think that this is-"

"Do you think that there's a clinic out there for people who just pop out of Hell wrong?" Dean demanded, coming to stand beside Castiel, who was currently monitoring the pulse of Sam's neck. Sam was so tired of trying to be nice to everyone. It was exhausting. "He asks, you answer, then you shut you're hole. Got it?"

Sam silently played with the ropes that bound his hands, knowing they wouldn't hold him long. But he decided he'd play along. So he put on a tired face and nodded. Cas removed his hand from Sam's neck to finish interrogating him. "How much do you sleep?" He asked.

Sam averted his gaze. "I don't." He replied.

Dean's eyes widened as he stared at Sam. "At all?"

"Not since I got back." Sam was doing his best not to raise his voice at the man who had very possibly broken his nose. Is it really broken? Yeah it kinda feels broken. Dammit!

Dean, Castiel, and Elena all shared a confused and wary look. "And it never occurred to you that there was something off about that?" Elena asked, probably because she'd been with him the way he was the longest and she never knew.

"Of course it did, Elena, I-" Castiel moved in front of Sam, blocking his view of her, to get to the other side of him. "I just never told you."

Cas looked at Dean, but from the angle that Sam was sitting at, he couldn't exactly see the look on his face. "What?" Dean asked.

Castiel ignored his question. "Sam, what are you feeling now?" He asked, directing his gaze back to his hostage. Sam had almost completely gotten the ropes off, but he made no move of acknowledging it.

Sam scoffed, finally getting to say something about his stupid nose. "Well, I feel like my nose is broken." He answered, refraining from glaring at Dean.

"No, that's a physical sensation. How do you feel?" Cas repeated.

Sam knitted his eyebrows. "I think-"

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