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Dean felt so terrible for this girl. She had lost two of the people she loved the most because she had to choose who she loved more. Then Sam, Dean's very own brother, took both of them down. And he didn't feel any remorse for it. Nothing. What was going on with him?

There were now tears in Elena's brown eyes, a single streak glistening over her cheek. She sniffled and studied the pavement, probably trying to hide her pain. Dean knew because he could relate.

"So I lost both of them that night because I decided to help your brother. I thought I could help Stefan come back from the ledge like I did the last time, but... I was wrong. And because I was so stupid, Samuel killed Stefan and Sam killed Damon." She explained, another tear falling from her eye.

Dean couldn't help but feel confused. He'd caught a word that he wasn't sure what to think of. "S-Samuel?" He echoed quietly. He'd heard that name before, but the only person he could connect it to was Samuel Campbell, his grandfather. But that was impossible. He died years before Dean was even born. He'd only met him when Cas had sent him back to supposedly try to kill Azazel and save Dean's mother.

Elena nodded. "He was, uh, another hunter that Sam was partnering with. Older guy balding... Why? Do you know him?" She asked.

Dean didn't answer. He couldn't understand how Samuel was alive. Or if he was even alive at all. It could have been someone else. Dean had some questions for Sam.


"What? Uh, no." Dean answered. "No, that's just Sam's full name so... What happened after... You know...?"

"Uh well, when my friends found out, they practically disowned me. My best friend, Caroline, was really good friends with Stefan. My other best friend, Bonnie, had become friends with Damon. So when they found out that I helped some stranger kill them both..." Her voice trailed off.

"They decided they couldn't trust you anymore." Dean finished for her. "That's what Sam meant by there was nothing left there for you."

Elena nodded, her eyes starting to glisten with brand new tears. "It's just... They're all I've ever had... Losing them was like losing my soul."

Dean couldn't help but chuckle. "Sorry, but I know what that feels like, and I guarantee that it's not what you're thinking."

Elena didn't say anything as tears started falling more steadily down her face. Dean sighed, wrapping his arms around her, trying to comfort her as she cried into his neck. He stroked her hair, not wanting to interrupt her. "Just so you know, this is not what I expected from you when I saw you walking into my house." He confessed. He felt Elena laugh embarrassedly on his neck. "You just seemed so tough, stubborn, hotheaded. Now you just seem..."

"Pathetic?" She finished for him, pulling out of his embrace and not meeting his eyes.

"Strong." He corrected her, making her look up into his eyes. "Not pathetic. You seem scarred, like you have a troubled past that damaged you, which you do. Don't we all?" Dean said, taking a step towards Elena. "Your scars make you strong. They prove that you're a survivor."

"I don't know." Elena said quietly, wiping her eye. "I'm still pretty unsteady."

Nothing was said for a while; Dean and Elena just stood, staring into each other's eyes. When Sam walked out, they scrambled away from each other. Sam look amused and indifferent. "Hey, uh, Elena we should probably be leaving soon." He informed her, looking over at his brother. "You should tag along. There's some people we want you to meet."

Dean looked at Elena and she smiled. "Yeah. I'll tell Lisa when I go inside." He decided.

Sam nodded, and stepped back inside. Dean looked through the living room window, seeing Ben and Lisa playing Go Fish, smiling and laughing. It made him smile.

"Is he yours?" Elena asked, surprising Dean.

"What? N-No." Dean stuttered. "To be honest, at first I really thought he was, we had so much in common. But Lisa insisted he was someone else's." He explained, still looking at them through the window.

Elena must have seen the longing in his emerald eyes. "But you wish he was yours."

Dean looked over at her, opening his mouth to deny. But he couldn't, so he sighed. "Yeah. I would have been proud to be Ben's father." He admitted.

Elena smiled. "We should probably go." She said.


Dean gave Lisa a quick kiss before he left, and he crouched down in front of Ben. "Be good for your mom okay?" He told Ben. "I'll be back in the morning, if not later tonight." Ben nodded.

Dean smiled, ruffling Ben's hair and straightening up. He followed Sam and Elena out the door, stopping them before they reached their car.

"I hope you don't mind but, uh," Dean said, holding up his keys, "I'd like to take my own car."

Sam smirked, chuckling. He nodded and Dean practically skipped to the garage. He pulled up the garage door, sweeping his gaze over the covered object taking up most of the inside space. The tarp clutched her curves perfectly, making her look amazing even with it on. He excitedly ripped the tarp off of her, taking in the sight of her still beautiful paintjob and features. Dean ran his hand over her hood, sighing happily.

"Oh Baby." He breathed. "It's been too long."


Dean followed Sam in his Baby to wherever it was they were going. He anticipated what was going to be there. The Winchesters didn't really make friends, because they usually die. But he put it past him as they pulled up to an old house. Dean pulled a pistol from the glove box, ejecting the magazine and tapping it on the handhold of the gun to make sure the rounds were secure. He sniffed and slipped it back in, chambering a round and stuffing it in the back of his jeans. He liked to be prepared for the worst.

He got out of the car and followed Sam and Elena inside to see three people at a table, loading and cleaning guns. One was a woman, middle-aged, black hair, eyes full of sass. Another was a taller guy, not as well-built as the Winchesters, brown hair and a stubborn look on his face. The other guy was blonde, blue eyes, slight scruff, and a rifle in his hands. Sam nodded at everyone and Elena hugged the other woman. No one said anything, keeping an awkward silence.

Then the woman walked up to Dean, holding out her hand. "Hi." Dean took it reluctantly, nodding at her. "My God, you have delicate features for a hunter." She observed.

"Excuse me?" Dean said.

"Dean this is Gwen Campbell." Sam introduced her, and Dean nodded uncomfortably. Then he pointed to the tall guy. "That's Christian," he said and Christian held out his hand. Sam gestured to the blonde one. "And Mark. Campbell."

Dean shook Christian's hand, but realized what Sam said and looked back at him. "C-Campbell?" He echoed. "Like-"

"Like your mom." Christian answered.

Dean looked at him, surprised.

"Third cousin. Third cousin." Sam said pointing to Gwen and Christian. "Something something, twice removed." He said for Mark. "They grew up in the life, like Mom. Like us."

"I thought all of Mom's relatives were gone." Dean admitted. "And I'm sorry, you know, but why didn't we know about any of you?"

"Because they didn't know about you." A new voice said off to Dean's right.

He turned to see someone he thought was long dead, and should not have been standing in front of him in that moment. He was bald, with a big nose, soft, gravelly voice, and brown eyes. Dean remembered him from April 13, 1973.

Their grandfather, Samuel.

The Girl With A Past ((Completed))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon