Who Are You Really?

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((I just thought I'd let y'all know I'm not putting in the episode where Dean gets turned into a vampire. I'll mention it and twist it around to fit it into the story, but I'm trying to divide this story into Deanlena/Samlena but I can't do that if Sam is Soulless so the sooner I can get that out of the way the better! Enjoy!))


"Dean! Please stop hovering!" Elena exclaimed to the man that was currently watching over her shoulder. "You're freaking me out!" Elena pushed her laptop closed, and half-turned around, not able to go all the way because of the bruising on her spine.

Dean stepped back, holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "Sorry, sorry. It's just, you've been cooped up in here for days, searching for cases and doing research, and it's bugging me."

"Yeah, I'd say so. I'd go so far as to say it's bugging you more than me, considering I'm the one not able to do anything." Elena retorted. She'd been on couch-arrest since she came back from the hospital. Dean and Sam had brought her to Bobby's, and they were currently hanging out there until Elena was able to hunt again. The doctor had told her two weeks at least, and so far they were at day five. Often, Bobby was out and Sam had sniffed out two cases since Elena had been admitted to the hospital and released. Each time he would ask Dean if he wanted to come, but each time Dean would decline. He wanted to stay with Elena, and make sure she was taken care of. Elena let out an exasperated sigh as Dean started pacing behind her. "Dean, Jesus, order a pizza or something!" She suggested, her voice strained and tired.

Dean looked down at her, pausing for a moment, before rolling his eyes and sitting down at Bobby's desk. No sooner than when he sat down did he stand up again, his phone ringing in his pocket. A disbelieving look crowded his face when he answered it.

"What, Sam, another case?" He exclaimed. "You haven't even gotten back from the last one!" Dean paused, his eyes jerking back and forth as he listened. "H-Hold on." He instructed as he pulled a chair up to the couch and sat down, putting Sam on speaker so that Elena could hear. "So what happened with your other hunt?" Dean asked.

"It was good. Big vamp nest, potential lead on the alpha." Sam replied through the phone.

"Wait, the alpha?" Dean echoed, putting a finger to his lips when Elena tried to cut in. Elena realized that he didn't want Sam to know she was listening.

"Yeah, we ran into a few obstacles trying to take the SOBs out, but we had an inside ally." Dean looked confused.

"Y-You mean like a friendly vamp? Who?"

"Gwen." Sam replied, his voice blunt and unfazed. Elena felt her eyes widen when he mentioned her friend.

"Gwen! What the hell happened?" Dean exclaimed for Elena.

"She got turned, trying to scope out the place, and I couldn't get there in time to help her. We were going to kill her, her orders, but she turned out to be a pretty useful asset. She got into the nest no problem, slaughtered them all. Even had some weird, PCP vision thing of the alpha."

"It sounds like you used her as bait." Dean said, his eyes narrowed and confused.

"What? No, Dean, that was never the plan. Don't worry, she's okay. Samuel had a cure. Pretty freaky crap if you ask me, but it worked." Sam's voice never wavered, jumped, cracked, anything. But Elena could tell he was lying. But could he actually have purposefully let Gwen get turned to get into the nest and finish the job?

The look on Dean's face said he was thinking the same thing. But he didn't say anything about it. "Well, thank God she's alright."

"Yeah, well anyway, I found a case in Calumet City, Illinois. Four suicides in the last couple of weeks. What do you say?"

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