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As it turns out, Sam went to Heaven. He couldn't figure why, what made him worthy, but he didn't question it. I guess the man upstairs finally realized the brothers really did do more bad than good. Sam found peace in his Heaven, his home at Stanford, with a golden retriever named Bones, and of course, Jessica.

Sam has been overjoyed when he saw his college girlfriend waiting for him on the other side, a smile painted on her face. Her curly blonde hair was long and beautiful, her green eyes wide and sparkling as usual.

Sam ran up to Jess, wrapping his arms around her waist, and lifted her off the ground, swinging her around a few times, before dropping her again. He smiled down at her, and she returned it, pressing her lips against his for the first time since Sam left with Dean. He channeled all his grief, sadness, anger, everything into that kiss, including his apology. He never forgave himself for what happened to her, but it seemed she had forgiven him.

They pulled away from each other, Jessica looking up into Sam's eyes adoringly.

"Welcome home, Sammy."


Dean never found Katherine. Running for hundreds of years served her well. Dean spent the next year of his life searching for her, after figuring out what Sam had meant. Katherine was Elena's doppelganger, which meant Elena could be anywhere.

When Dean wasn't looking for Katherine, he was at a bar, drinking himself drunk, or picking up chicks. He closed himself off, that being the only way he knew how to handle grief. Dean didn't know where Sam was. After everything he assumed he was in Hell again, and that hurt Dean more than anything else in the world. He tried everything he could to get Sam back, deals, witches, angels. But no one was willing to do business. After a while, he just gave up.

Dean went up to Sioux Falls to live with Bobby, unable to support himself anywhere else. He didn't know what to do with himself. He would sit somewhere and loathe himself, or remember the days he was with his brother, or Elena. Dean missed Elena like hell, but he didn't actually know what he'd say if he found her again.

One late fall evening Dean was at a bar, merely drinking beer, deciding for some reason that he wanted to be sober enough to drive. It didn't do much for helping with the pain, but he didn't care. He'd been hurting for so long, it almost didn't have any effect on him. Dean had just taken another swig of his beer, when he heard a familiar voice behind him, and he froze.


Dean's whole body went numb, and he slowly turned around, taking in what he saw with a sharp breath.


She smiled, moving forward, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Dean was uncomfortable at first. The last time he'd seen her face, she was actually Katherine, and she had killed his brother. But when she didn't make any move to harm him, he gave in, looping his arms around her wrist, and burying his face in her neck, breathing in her sweet scent.

"I never thought I'd see you again." She whispered, a sad edge to her voice.

"I've always been here, sweetheart. You're the one who left." He countered, a small glimmer of regret making him sigh when she pulled out of his embrace, a hurt look in her brown eyes.

"You know why I did that, Dean."

"Yeah, I do. You were in love with my brother, and he couldn't remember you." Dean summarized, turning back around, and grabbed his beer. "Well, I doubt he would've wanted to see you now."

Elena took the stool next to him, leaning towards him. "Why do you keep talking about him in past tense? Why would he not want to see me?"

Dean snapped his gaze to her face, confusion making his eyes narrow. "You don't know?"

The Girl With A Past ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now