Pregnant In Tired

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Vanessa jolted awake as the alarm shattered the peaceful silence of her bedroom. Grumbling, she fumbled her hand blindly on her nightstand, searching for her phone. In her flustered state, she accidentally sent it flying across the room, crashing into the wall with an unpleasant thud. Cursing her carelessness, she realized she had unintentionally triggered an unexpected chain of events.

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing a wide-eyed and disheveled Madelaine, her best friend since Riverdale started. Concern etched across her face, she rushed towards Vanessa, panicked and worried. 

"Vanessa, what happened?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with anxiety.

"I... I threw my phone," Vanessa stammered, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. She explained how the alarm had startled her, leading to the unintentional throw.

Madelaine, though relieved it was just a phone mishap, couldn't help but laugh. 

"Only you, Vanessa," she teased, a playful smile easing the tension. 

"Oh shoot, we got to work," Madelaine said, her voice filled with urgency.

"I know, I'm really not feeling it today," Vanessa replied, exhaustion evident in her voice. "The baby's been kicking all night, leaving me unable to sleep."

"Why didn't you come get me? You know the baby inside of you loves my voice," Madelaine said, concern etched on her face.

"Mads, you've helped me through this whole pregnancy. The least I can do is let you sleep," Vanessa insisted, grateful for her friend's support.

Madelaine looked at Vanessa, her eyes narrowed. "I don't care. If you need to sleep and the baby's kicking, come get me," she firmly stated.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of Vanessa's tired lips. "Okay, Mads. Thank you."
With a renewed sense of determination, the two friends prepared themselves for the day ahead.

Vanessa groggily climbed out of bed, feeling a rumble of hunger in her stomach. She glanced over at her best friend, Madelaine, who was stretched out comfortably on Toni's bed. Vanessa turned to her with a pleading look.

"Mads, can you please get me some food while I get dressed?" she asked, a hopeful smile forming on her lips.

Madelaine grinned and shrugged off the laziness that had settled over her. "Of course! What are you guys feeling?"

Vanessa pondered for a moment before her face lit up. "A bowl of cucumbers and some orange juice would be nice," Vanessa suggested, her hand gently caressing her growing belly, knowing it was an odd combination. She loved the refreshing taste of cucumbers and the tangy sweetness of orange juice, it was an odd combination, but it satiated her cravings.

Madelaine let out a small chuckle, playfully shaking her head. "Weird combo, but here it comes," she declared, rising from the bed and making her way towards the kitchen. Her voice brimming with good humor. With a yawn, she left Toni's bed, where she had been lounging, and headed towards the kitchen

As she disappeared down the hallway, Vanessa eagerly awaited her breakfast, feeling grateful for her friend's willingness to cater to her unusual cravings. 

Vanessa, after finishing getting dressed, made her way down the familiar hallway and entered the kitchen where Madelaine was busy cutting cucumbers and preparing the meal she had requested. With a quizzical look on her face, Madelaine asked, "Did you have any struggles getting into your clothes?" as she reached into the fridge and grabbed an orange juice carton. Pouring it into a glass cup, she walked over to the table.

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