Busy Busy Busy

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"Vanessaaaaa," Madelaine called out. 

"Yes mads," Vanessa said, walking into the living room. 

"Are you ready to go?" Madelaine asked. 

"Wait, I have to grab some more stuff" Vanessa replied. 

"Looks like you have everything to me" Madelaine said. 

"Yep, let me just think, our baby!" Vanessa said. 

"I thought he was in the car seat..." Madelaine said. 

"No, he's still in his room," Vanessa admitted, turning around to grab him. As she rushed to get the baby, Madelaine couldn't help but chuckle at their last-minute scramble. They were always running late, but they made a great team. And as they finally headed out the door, to start their day.

[At work]

Madelaine burst into Vanessa's trailer, wide-eyed. "Oh my gosh," she exclaimed.

Vanessa glanced up from her make-up chair as her artist worked diligently. "What's up?" she asked. 

"These episodes keep getting crazier," Madelaine remarked, shaking her head. 

"Just another day in Riverdale," Vanessa chuckled. 

"What scene do you have today?" inquired Madelaine. 

"I'm filming the part with that creepy lady, uh, La Llorona," Vanessa replied. 

"It's going to be quite the interesting episode," Madelaine mused, a hint of excitement in her voice. 

"I know, but they wanted to use River as Anthony," Vanessa said. 

Madelaine raised an eyebrow, "You gonna do it?"

 Vanessa shook her head, "No, I don't think so. I want him to decide if he wants to be on the big screen," she said firmly, getting out of her makeup seat. 

She had an opportunity to make her son, River, a star, but deep down, she knew it wasn't right to push him into the limelight.

"Watch the River for me while I'm gone," Vanessa asked Madelaine, looking at her.

"I can't... I have to work on that Abigail scene before we do our solo," Madelaine said.

"Oh god, the solos today, ugh," Vanessa sighed.

"Just have Lili or maybe KJ, because he'll need the practice anyways. He'll be a dad soon," Madelaine suggested.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Can you give the baby to him? I have to go," Vanessa hurried.

Madelaine nodded in agreement, and Vanessa left, leaving her friend in charge of the river

[Madelaine and KJ]

"KJ," Madelaine called out. 

"Yea Mads," KJ said, turning towards her. 

"Can you watch River for us just for a little while we work on our scenes?" Madelaine asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. 

"Are you kidding? Of course, I love that kiddo," KJ replied with a smile, knowing how much River meant to them both. 

[KJ Moments....]

Lilian and Camila sat on the set room floor, surrounded by toys scattered around them. River, a chubby-cheeked baby with big blue eyes, giggled as they tickled him. 

"Can't believe he's four months," Lili exclaimed. 

Camila nodded, smiling, "I know, he's just too cute." 

Suddenly, Lili looked around, "Where's KJ?" 

Camila shrugged, "I don't know." 

They both laughed, realizing that their attention had been completely consumed by the adorable River.

[Vanessa & Madelaine done working]

Vanessa and Madelaine were covered in fake blood after shooting a horror scene.

Vanessa couldn't help but tease Madelaine, who was covered head to toe in the red sticky liquid. "Ugh, I got to wash all this off, not as much as you, though," Vanessa joked. 

Madelaine laughed, "I know, so much fake blood everywhere." 

Vanessa playfully grabbed Madelaine's face, "I think you look cute with it,"  Madelaine chuckled.

Vanessa moved her hand off of Madelaine's face feeling the stickiness of the fake blood, "It is a little sticky."

"I'll go hit the shower, I'll leave you to get the baby, he's with KJ." Madelaine said.

Vanessa went looking for KJ, assuming he was in his trailer. Knocking on the door, KJ greeted her with a casual "Oh hey Vanessa." 

"Hey KJ, where's River" Vanessa said.

To which KJ responded, "Oh God, he's with Lili on set, Stage Four." 

Thanking him, Vanessa headed towards the set, uncomfortable with the idea of her child being passed around without her knowledge. As she approached Stage Four, she saw Lili sitting down, seemingly unaware of the situation.

"Hey Lili, where's River?" Vanessa asked urgently. 

Lili replied, "Um, he's with Camila. She went to find you so you can change his diaper." 

Desperate to locate Camila, Vanessa inquired, "Do you know where she went?"

Lili suggested, "We heard you were on stage six, just try your trailer." 

Grateful for the tip, Vanessa rushed to her trailer, where she found Madelaine cradling River. 

"I was gonna call, but when I did, I realized you left your phone here," Madelaine explained. 

Disregarding the explanation, Vanessa scooped up her baby, whispering, "I miss you so much, little man."

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