Things happen Pt.2

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[Making fake names for Vanessa parents because I wanna respect privacy]

[Using the names Caitlyn and Lolonyo]

Vanessa set in the back seat with the baby, her tired eyes fixed on the passing scenery. Madelaine, was behind the wheel, navigating the road for the four and a half-hour to Vanessa's parents' house. The gentle hum of the engine filled the silence between them.

"I'm hungry," Vanessa declared from the back seat, her stomach growling in agreement.

"Me too. What are you feeling?" Madelaine asked, glancing at Vanessa through the rearview mirror.

"Pizza," Vanessa replied. "Let's find a place nearby before we head to my parents' house."

"Okay, do you know where one is at?" Madelaine inquired, her focus returning to the road.

Vanessa furrowed her brow, racking her brain for a suitable pizzeria. Suddenly, a memory flashed in her mind.

"There's a great pizza place just a few miles ahead," she exclaimed excitedly. "I used to go there all the time"

Madelaine nodded. As Vanessa instructed her to the pizza place. After they got their pizza, they drove to Vanessa's parents house.

[Vanessa's parents house]

As we pulled up in front of the house, the engine roared as I turned it off. Vanessa swiftly unbuckled herself from the driver's seat and hopped out of the car, her eyes filled with excitement. She reached into the backseat, carefully lifting the baby from the carseat, cradling them tenderly in her arms.
With the carseat in one hand and the baby in the other, Vanessa made her way towards the front door.

As we reached the front porch, Vanessa gently placed the carseat down and reached into her pocket for the keys. Sliding the key into the lock.

"My parents aren't here right now," Vanessa whispered.

"Oh okay," Madelaine responded.

Vanessa picked up the car seat with her baby nestled inside and made her way into the cozy house. The creaking wooden floors welcomed her every step as she beckoned Madelaine to follow behind. The air inside was filled with the comforting scent of home.

"Come on, let me show you my room," Vanessa called out, gently placing the car seat in the living room. Madelaine, smiled and joined her excursion.

"When you were younger," Madelaine reminisced, trailing behind Vanessa.

"Yep, come on," Vanessa replied, glancing down at her precious baby nestled in her arms. She made her way through the familiar hallway.

Vanessa opened the door to her old room. As she stepped inside, Madelaine followed closely behind, her eyes widening with amusement.

"Oh my gosh," Vanessa said. 

Madelaine bursted into laughter, pointing at the walls. "There are baby blue butterflies everywhere!"

Vanessa couldn't help but blush. She had forgotten about the eccentric teenage phase she went through. Her room was once adorned with countless posters of her favorite bands and actors, alongside the fluttering butterflies she had painstakingly stuck all over.

"Omg, this is embarrassing," Vanessa muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. 

She quickly made her way to the walls, gently peeling off the posters one by one, revealing a hidden layer of memories. As each poster came down, Vanessa couldn't help but smile at the forgotten passions that once consumed her.

"It's actually kind of endearing," Madelaine said, her laughter subsiding. "You were just being your authentic self, its cute"

Madelaine walked over to Vanessa, who was in the process of taking down a poster in her old room.

"Leave it up, your old room looks cute," Madelaine said, grabbing Vanessa's hand to stop her.

Vanessa kissed Madelaine's cheek and obediently put the poster back up.

"Now let me see him," Madelaine said, her voice filled with excitement.

Vanessa handed over the baby boy into Madelaine's arms.

"He looks just like you," Madelaine observed, gazing at the little bundle of joy.

"I know, but he has all of Michael's features," Vanessa replied softly.

Madelaine looked up from the baby, studying Vanessa intently.

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm fine, Mads. I have you," Vanessa reassured her, a warm smile spreading across her face.

[An hour later vanessa's parents pulled up and the drive way]

Caitlyn and Lolonyo had just arrived at the house, parking their car and making their way inside. 

They noticed another car parked outside and assumed that it was Vanessa.

"Vanessa," Caitlyn called out as they entered the house, but there was no response.

"Maybe she's asleep," Lolonyo suggested, glancing around the quiet hallway.

"I'll go check her room," Caitlyn decided, slipping off her shoes and quietly tiptoeing towards Vanessa's room. She didn't want to disturb her if she was indeed sleeping.

As Caitlyn gently pushed open the door to Vanessa's room, she discovered her friend fast asleep, a mysterious arm draped across her chest. Caitlyn's curiosity piqued, but she realized it was best to let Vanessa continue her peaceful slumber undisturbed.

With a smile, Caitlyn closed the door softly and retreated back down the hallway. 

She whispered to Lolonyo, "She's fast asleep, let's not wake her. We can catch up with her later."

They both left the house, leaving Vanessa to enjoy her well-deserved rest. Sometimes, it's better to let sleeping friends lie.

[Vanessa parents coming back again]

Vanessa was sitting in the cozy living room, a bright smile on her face as she played with her baby in a portable baby nest. Madelaine, was preparing the baby bottle while Vanessa was busy breast pumping. 

As the door slowly swung open, Vanessa's eyes lit up with excitement. It was her parents, and she couldn't wait to see them.

"Hey mom, hey dad," Vanessa said, perched on the couch. 

Her mother, noticed her daughter's anticipation and remarked, "You're awake!" Caitlyn's as, Lolonyo, removed her jacket as she entered the room.

Caitlyn approached her daughter, arms open for a warm hug. Vanessa hesitated, gesturing apologetically, "Sorry, mom, I'm pumping." 

But Caitlyn leaned in anyway, gently planting a kiss on her daughter's head. Meanwhile, Madelaine walked over to the baby and began feeding him.

"Do you want to feed him?" Madelaine asked Caitlyn. 

Grateful, Caitlyn responded, "That would be wonderful." She took the baby from Madelaine and held him close, the bottle finding its way into his tiny mouth. Vanessa's father, Lolonyo, strolled over to his daughter. 

"How's my baby girl?" he asked affectionately. 

Vanessa beamed with joy and replied, "I'm great, Daddy." Lolonyo leaned in and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek.

"Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something," Vanessa said, her voice trembling with nervousness.

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