One day at a time

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Vanessa, are you done changing?" Madelaine said, peaking into the hospital room. 

"Yeah Mads, I'm done," Vanessa replied with a tired smile. As she adjusted her clothes, from just feeding the baby from her breast.

Her heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She had just given birth to a beautiful baby, and the emotions were overwhelming.

"Well um Michael's here, he wants to see the baby," Madelaine informed, stepping into the room quietly. 

Vanessa's eyes flickered towards the tiny bundle of joy sleeping soundly in the bassinet. The room seemed to fill with anticipation.

"Tell him he can come in," Vanessa whispered. 

Vanessa took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she waited for Michael to enter the hospital room. The last time they had seen each other was six months ago, just before their relationship had come to an end. It had been a painful breakup, filled with tears and unanswered questions.

The door creaked open, and Michael stepped in cautiously. His eyes locked onto the precious little being, so fragile and innocent. As Michael approached, the baby he reached out and gently brushed his finger against the baby's cheek. A mix of tenderness and wonder filled his eyes.

"What's his name?" Michael said, looking directly at Vanessa. She hesitated for a moment before mustering the strength to respond.

"River, River Kopech," she replied firmly, refusing to meet Michael's gaze. The tension in the room was palpable, filled with past hurts and unspoken words.

"But...but I thought we were naming him Michael Jr.?" Michael questioned, searching for any signs of reconciliation.

"Who is 'we'?" Vanessa shot back, her voice filled with a mix of anger and pain. "Last time I checked, you were not here when I gave birth. So, what gives you the right to assume I would name this baby after you?"

Feeling the weight of the argument, Michael looked into bassinet where the baby lay peacefully. He leaned over and gently kissed his tiny forehead.

"I'll come back when you're not angry," he murmured, his voice trembling. 

Michael stormed out of the room, frustration evident on his face. Madelaine, sensing his anger, followed closely behind him. She reached out and asked, "Everything okay, Nessa?"

Vanessa, who was busy dressing the baby, smiled at Madelaine and replied, "Yeah, everything's fine, and Mads, you can call me baby. We're dating now."

Madelaine blinked in surprise, then smirked playfully. "Okay, babe," she said. 

Vanessa blushed and continued dressing the baby, enjoying the newfound intimacy in their relationship.

"Yea I think Ill stick to Nessa for a while" Madelaine said.

As Vanessa placed the baby back in the bassinet after changing him, she looked up at Madelaine walked over to her and leaned in to give her a small kiss. Madelaine's heart skipped a beat, and she smiled at the affectionate gesture.

"Well, babe, can you go get the car seat from the trunk? It's in the car," Vanessa said, turning her attention back to the baby.

Madelaine, still slightly taken aback by their new dynamic, chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get used to that."

Vanessa giggled, finding Madelaine's reaction adorable. 

"Okay I'm going to go get that car seat be right back" Madelaine sayings slowly leaving the room.

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