Let Sleeping Demons Lie: Part #1

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Shura entered the interrogation room, deep in the bowels of the Japan Branch of the Knights of True Cross. Yukio was here. He was under arrest and a suspect in Mephisto's shooting.

She had done a fine job defending the boy to the upper brass simply by stating the facts of the matter. Yukio was on the opposite side of the room when the shooting occurred, his gun aimed at the actual perpetrator, not at the demon. In her argument, Shura made it clear that Yukio was defending Mephisto.

But deep down, Shura knew it was all lies and bullshit. The shooter had beat Yukio to the punchline. If the perp hadn't gotten to Mephisto first, Yukio would have drilled him full of bullets.

That stubborn little bastard.

Something was severely wrong with Yukio; Shura had witnessed his slow and eventual slip to the dark side. She had to figure out how to help him before it was too late.

For now, Shura had negotiated his release. Yukio would get a leave of absence from active duty and sent to a psychologist for PTSD. That was the proper prognosis for a typical human exorcist, but Shura reasoned Yukio was the son of Satan. What if it didn't work?

She still had some time to talk sense to him. If only he'd listen.

When Shura entered the cell, she approached the handcuffed teen. Yukio smirked, causing a white-hot rage to suddenly bubble up within her.

"Stop laughing, you little puke!!" She shouted. "Do you have any idea what kind of trouble yer in?!"

Yukio didn't answer. Instead, he stared at her, and that's when Shura saw the possession. Yukio's eyes glistened with an intense blue light. The mere sight of that power caused her to shiver uncontrollably. She remembered the same energy the night Satan attacked her orphanage. The same evil in Yukio's eyes had killed the exorcist nuns who raised her.

"Yukio, your eyes!!

The boy smiled evilly and did not reply.

"This is not good!!"

Shura backed out of the room in terror. Two guards rushed to her side as she locked the door behind her.

"Yukio can't be released." She announced. "He needs to be housed in a demon-resistant facility."

"But you said we could let him go."

"Listen, forget what I said!!!" Shura snarled with vehemence. "He's got some fucked up temptaint! Something BLUE has possessed the kid."

The guards exchanged nervous glances.

"You know what BLUE means, right!?"

They both nodded and took the safeties off their guns.

"Don't shoot him." Shura sighed painfully. "Just don't open this door to anyone!"

She began to pace back and forth. What would she do? The brass finds out they might order Yukio's execution!

"I need to talk to Sir Pheles as soon as possible!"

"M'am. That's why we're here." The guard answered. "He's awake and has been asking for you."

"Take me to him immediately..."

"Yes, commander."


Once Shura was out of sight. Amaimon appeared.

Under strict orders from Mephisto, he'd create a diversion to help the young exwires break Yukio Okumura from the brig.

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