Let Sleeping Demons Lie: Part #2

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"Satan had the wrong person," Mephisto replied. "He should have tried wooing you. I think he might have survived."

"I almost died the first time he possessed me," Shiro scoffed. "And I did die the second time."

"Human death has many stages." Mephisto shrugged his shoulders. "But what if you changed from a caterpillar into a butterfly?"

"Mephisto, what are you trying to tell me." Shiro's voice was suspicious. "That my grave is empty?"

"Hmmm?" Mephisto smiled antagonistically. 

"Just tell me the truth."

"Shiro, I've told you enough, it's time for me to  show you. Can you assist me?"

Curious, the Paladin went to Mephisto's side and lifted the weak demon to his feet. As Shiro held his pale hands, they transformed in size, becoming solid and familiar. They were his own hands!

Shiro blinked his eyes and Mephisto disappeared, replaced by a slightly older version of himself.

"Are you happy now?" Shiro/Meph grumbled. "You shot us. Nice aim, though."

Shiro's mouth hung open; he was rendered speechless.

"That's...that's impossible." He finally stuttered. "This is a fucking trick!!"

"Listen, Champ." The man broke into a crooked grin. "You gotta a lot to learn. You need to trust Mephisto. Yeah, he's got an evil side, but so do you. You gotta learn empathy, love, and curb that  explosive temper."

"So, Mephisto possessed you?" Shiro was incredulous. "You teamed up with a demon?"

"He is my companion." Shiro/Meph shrugged his shoulders. "That's until we tame Satan. But it'll be a long time until you're ready."

"I'm going to become Satan?"

"Nah, you're a fucking demon eater." Meph/Shiro replied. "Satan will always be in your head, but you will become the new ruler of Hell."

Shiro was infinitely troubled. Did that mean, he was doomed to an eternity of loneliness?

"Only if you choose to be alone." Meph/Shiro read his mind. "Evil is a choice...not an absolute. If you are in charge of hell, anything is possible.'

"So, I become Satan, Lewin becomes Azazel."

Shiro continued to think, and became even more curious.

"What about Shura?" Shiro questioned. "Is that why Mephisto wants her? Is she gonna become the new Time King?"

"I don't know the answer to that."

"Are you telling me, he's just playing her for kicks?" Shiro accused. "How can I turn a blind eye to that!? He hurt her, and did it to make me jealous."

"Well, Mephisto's not cheating on you..." Shiro/Meph scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "And she's not hurt...far from it."

"Does that mean you're both sleeping with her!?"

"There is no 'we," there is just one."

Shiro felt sweat dripping down his neck, in realization. He shivered involuntarily.

"Hey, don't be afraid." Meph/Shiro chuckled. "True, you give up your autonomy, but what you learn and experience is well worth the trade-off."

"No," Shiro whispered. "I don't think it is."

"Think about this, then." Meph/Shiro queried. "This partnership will give you a second chance. A second chance for Yuri, Rin and Yukio to live long happy lives."

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