Chapter 1

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"Ms. Jackson! Ms. Jackson! Over here!" Janet posed for the cameras as she moved down the red carpet.

"Ms. Jackson! How does it feel to be considered an icon?!" Janet smiled for another picture.


"Ms. Jackson!" Joey came and directed Janet off the carpet.


"Now, we all know and love the person getting this next award. She's an icon, a trailblazer, just an outright legend. Even being the sister of the King of Pop, she made a huge name for herself. You all know it, we all love her and I would like to present today, the Lifetime Achievement award to the Queen, Janet Jackson!"

Janet walked out onto the stage while everyone cheered. Celebrities recorded and cried when they saw her. The presenter handed her the award and she waited at the mic for the cheers to die down.

"This amazing. I never thought I would be receiving an honor this big. I owe this award to all my fans, firstly. Without you guys, there wouldn't be me. You guys encourage me and support me in a way that makes you more than fans to me. I love each and every one of you." The crowd cheered.

"Above all, I want to thank God for his constant blessing for my life. My wife, our beautiful children and our love." Janet smiled at her family sitting in the front rows. "You guys have inspired me in a way that I couldn't not imagine. I share this award with you. I love you. I love you all." The crowd had tears in their eyes. "Thank you all so much for this. Thank you." The crowd cheered again as Janet left the stage.


Three Days Later

Toni stood in front of a newly built forty floor building with a crowd standing around her. She held Janet scissors in her hands as the cameras flashed.
"Thank you all for coming. When I first started this company, along with my lovely wife, I never expected it to grow this large. I'm so happy to be here twenty years later opening up our third Europe based office."
Toni cut the ribbon and everyone clapped. She hugged Janet and gave her a big kiss.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too."


Third Pov

"Bianca! Are you ready?" Tommy yelled as he put his Tommy Jr.'s shirt on.


"Okay! Hurry, we have to be there in twenty minutes!"

"I'm coming! Shut up!" Tommy put Jr's shoes on, which wasn't an easy task because he kept kicking his feet.

"Let daddy put your shoes on."

"No." Jr's face twisted.

"If you put them on, we get to grandma's house quicker." Jr. stopped kicking and Tommy got his shoes on. "There we go." Tommy picked his son up and made his way out of his room. "Babe!"


"I'm heading down with Jr.!"

"Okay! I'll be done in five minutes!" Tommy went downstairs and got everything else ready. While packing up Jr.'s bag, his phone rang.


"T, where y'all at?" It was TJ.

"Man, I'm still waiting for Bianca to get ready."

"Good, because Taylor ain't ready either."

"Tristan! Where's my purse?!"

"I don't know!"

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