Chapter 8

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I laid in bed quietly while watching tv. Janet laid on her side and read her book. I was still very upset with her fit bit telling me what was going on with Lia. Even though she wasn't ready to leave him, I still needed to know what was going on with my baby girl. "Hmm." I sighed.

"You okay?" she asked.


"Good." She turned the page in her book and I looked back at the tv. I honestly didn't even know what was on. My mind was too occupied. How could she not tell me? Why wouldn't she tell me?

"Hmm." I sighed again. She side eyed me.

"You're sure you're good?"


"Mm...okay." I was getting more and more upset. I just couldn't stop it. She hid something from me. What else could she be hiding from me? My mind was just racing.

"Mmm." She closed her book and looked at me.

"What's up?"

"Nothing." She snatched the remote and turned the tv off.

"Yes, there is. Don't lie to me."

"I'm no.."

"What's the problem?" I looked at her. I sat up.

"Why didn't you tell me about Lia?"

"I already told you. She's not ready to leave him."

"That's still no excuse."

"Toni, honey, if I would've told you when I found out about it, you would've run off and beat him up."

"That's what I'm supposed to do."

"Yes, you are but you would've made him a victim in her eyes. He would've played with her mind and found a way to keep her from us then we definitely couldn't help her."

"How do you know that?"

"Because Jackie and Jermaine beat up Kamal. He moved me further away from them and convinced me that he was the victim."

"Baby, this situation is different."

"No it's not. This is the same. Every step she's been through with him, I went through with Kamal. Right now, he's trying to convince her that us not liking him adds to his stress and that led to him getting angry. He's going to try and keep her from seeing us. We can't be hostile towards him."

"So he can hit our baby but I can't hit him."

"Not yet. We just have to get her to understand and realize that he's playing her." I pulled her onto my lap.

"Baby, I just don't want our princess to..."

"I know, baby. I know." She rubbed my head. "But there's some things we can't control. I don't want to push my daughter into the arms of this guy."

"How do you get away from Kamal?"

"Uhh..I had some realization."


"Uhh..yeah." I squinted at her.

"What did you do?"

"Umm.." she giggled. "...I slept with someone."



"That officer lady?"


"Then who?"

"Uhhh..." she mumbled

"What was that?"

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