Chapter 13

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Amena ran into my bedroom holding her book.

"What is it, sweetie?" She jumped on the bed and sat next to me.

"Look." She opened it. "This is Saturn. It has rings around it."

"Really?" I wrapped my arm around her.

"Yeah." She turned the page. "And this is Pluto. They say it's not a planet, but it is."

"Who said that?"

"Neil de....Grasse Ty...son. He's not smart like me, though."

"You go that right."

"They say people can't live on Pluto, or Venus, or Mercury. I just think they are not thinking hard enough or they not being honest."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because if people can't live there then how did they figure that out?"

"Good question."

"See, Mommy..." She stood up on the bed. "..I need to go to space and stuff, because I'm going to figure it out."

"How?" She bounced around.

"I don't know yet, Mommy, but it's gonna be awesome. You should come with me, Mommy."

"Mommy can't go to space."

"Why?" She jumped down on her knees.

"Well, that's not Mommy's thing. That's your thing."

"But what if I do something awesome and you miss it?"

"I won't miss it. I'll be right here waiting for you to get back and tell me all about it." She sat back next to me.

"Promise?" She held her pinky.

"Promise." I locked mine with hers. "You're Mommy's space princess." She smiled.

"I want to go to space. I want to be a space woman."

"Then I will do everything I can to get you there." She laid on me.

"MeMe." Toni walked in.

"Mama!" She jumped up and Toni caught her.

"Hey, princess."

"I'm going to space."

"Really? When?"

"When I'm bigger and taller."

"Cool. Then we have to get you space things for your room."

"I want a pink rocket, Mama and planets. Pluto and Saturn. Those two."

"I got it. Mama will figure it out."

"Yay!" She hugged her neck. "I'm going to tell Lia." She jumped down and ran out of the room.

"What was all that?" Toni laid next to me.

"Apparently, the littlest princess feels like Neil deGrasse Tyson isn't smart enough and she's truly offended about Pluto not being a planet. Also, she wants to prove that they lied about people not being able to live on Pluto, Venus, and Mercury." Toni sighed.

"So, we'll have two CEOs, an ObGyn, a Doctor of Neuroscience, a Psychologist, an Olympic Gold Medalist, an Astronaut and according to Eissa, a flying karate superhero who protects the trees."

"Wow, but what did we expect?" We laughed.

"It's a good thing we're rich because we would not be able to afford the dreams and goals of our children." We laughed.

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