Chapter 10

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Third Person
"Jordan, baby." Jordan got up from his bed and went into the kitchen. His girlfriend, Corrina, sat at his dining room table with her textbooks open.

"What's wrong, baby?" She pouted.

"I can't figure this out. Can you help me?" He smiled and went over to her. He sat down and she sat on his lap. "I don't why I let you talk me into this tech class."

"You said you thought it was interesting."

"Whatever, just help me."

"Okay." Jordan explained the problem to her and Corrina eventually figured it out.

"Thanks, baby." She pecked his lips.

"You're welcome. Was that it?"

"No." She sighed and moved back to her chair. "I still have three more classes to do homework for. It's so much." Jordan sighed in pity for his girlfriend.

"Sweetie, you're always so stressed out."

"It's college, of course I'm stressed."

"I know, but it's not the good type of stress. You're always exhausted, you're not as happy. I'm worried about you."

"Jordan, I have a lot on my shoulders. I'm the only person in my family to make it to college. Everyone's counting on me to succeed."

"Then why aren't they sending you money for things. As your boyfriend, helping you and taking care of you is always at the top of my list but you don't need people who never help you to be putting pressure and expecting so much from you."

"You just don't get it."

"Then explain it to me. Explain to me why you're living your life and making decisions for people who obviously aren't losing sleep or making sacrifices for you." Corrina sighed.

"I don't know. Everyone just put their dreams on me and I don't want to disappoint them."

"But are you happy? Will you be happy doing this for the rest of your life?"

"No, but what person is truly happy with their career choices?"

"My parents, me, your friends, my siblings, lots of

"Those people had money."

"Not my mama. My grandfather left them with nothing and my grandmother had to scrap for everything. Your best friend came from a group home after her parents got up and left her."

"But if I change my career path, my parents may cut me off."

"That's nothing to worry about. You still have scholarships and whatever you need, I can get you. That way you won't have to work anymore." She was silent. "What do you say?"

"Let me think about it when I have a clear head."

"Of course. Just give it some thought." Jordan heard a knock on his door.  "I just want you to know that you have options." She nodded as he went to open the door. "Oh my god."

"C-can I stay here?"

"Lia!" Jordan pulled her in. "What happened?"

"Me and Keyon got into a fight and he locked me out." She shivered. "Can I sleep here?"


"Do you have any clothes?"

"I have some here." said Corrina. She wrapped a blanket around Amelia. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." They went into the room and Jordan took some deep breaths.

In the bathroom, Corrina helped Amelia get cleaned up. She was extremely sore and it hurt to move so Corrina washed her. The whole time, Lia cried everytime water or soap hit her body. Even though she was being washed gently, everything stung on her body. "What happened?" asked Corrina. Lia shuddered.

"He's just having a hard time."

"What kind that would lead to your whole body being bruised up?"

"Well, he just got upset because I studied without him."


"Yeah, he thinks my study partner and I are sleeping together."

"Still no reason to abuse you. You don't need to be with him."

"I know."

"Then why won't you leave?" Amelia sighed and silently cried more. Jordan, who had been listening in the hall, immediately put his shoes and jacket on. He drove to the other side of campus where Amelia's apartment was and went to the door. Angrily, he banged on the door until it opened.

"What the hell?!" As soon as Keyon came into view, Jordan punched him.

"I'm gone kill your ass for hitting my sister!"

"Man, chill." Keyon wiped his nose. "It ain't a big deal." Jordan punched him again causing him to fall to the ground.

"My sister is black and blue all over and you saying it ain't a big deal." Keyon got up.

"Look what you gone do about it? She with me and she gone stay with me. Don't get mad at me for her choices."

"She not with you no more. Don't ever call her again."


"I mean it. You don't want to deal with the rest of us."

"You ain't scaring nobody."

"Alright. Try it if you want to, nigga." Jordan left out and got in his car. As soon as he drove off, his phone rang. It was Corrina. "Hey, babe. What's up?"

"Baby, Lia passed out. We're on our way to the hospital. Meet me there." She hung up and Jordan sped off towards the hospital.


Oh Lord...let us pray


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