Chapter 2

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I squinted my eyes as the sunlight hit me as I woke up. "Mmmm." I tried to move but Toni had her arm wrapped around me, holding me down on her chest. I looked up at her and she was sleeping peacefully.
"Baby." I patted her chest. "Toni. Baby." She groaned.

"Shhh..go back to sleep."

"I can't. I have to get the kids ready to go." She pulled me to where I was fully laying on top of her.

"They don't have to go. They can stay home. It's just summer camp."

"I know, but Mena isn't going to want to stay home."

"How do you know?" Just then there was knocking on our door.

"Mommy! Mama! Wake up!"

"Come in, sweetie." The door opened. Amena and Eissa ran in. They jumped on the bed.

"Mommy, we have to get ready."

"Ready!" Eissa shouted. They jumped on the bed.

"We're playing with the horses today. Come on, Mommy." I laid in Toni's neck. "Mommy." They stopped jumping and she shook me. "Mommy, come on."

"I'm coming."

"Hurry or we'll miss it."

"Hurry!" Eissa shouted.

"Okay." I sat up and got out of bed. Amena jumped off the bed and pulled me.

"Come on." Eissa jumped on top of Toni.

"Ow." Eissa started laughing.

"Ow!" He copied. I went into Amena's room and she went into her closet.

"Sit there, Mommy."

"Okay." I sat on her bed and watched her go through her closet. She came out with three outfits.

"Which one?" She was fidgety.

"How about the leggings since you'll be riding the horse."

"With this shirt." She held up a pink shirt.

"That'll be perfect. It's so cute and you can wear your pink sneakers."


"Okay, go brush your teeth and I'll help you get cleaned up."

"Yes, ma'am." She ran into her bathroom and I heard the water turn on. I put the other clothes back in her closet and laid out everything else. "I'm done!" I went into the bathroom and started her bath while she got undressed.

"Am I washing your hair today or do you want to do it later?"

"Later. We can wash the horse air out."

"Good thinking." I turned the water off and she got in the tub. "Good. Now wash up while I check on Eissa."

"Okay, mommy."

"No, playing or splashing."

"Okay, mommy." She pouted. I left her room and made my way to Eissa. He was still in our room. He was on Toni's back as she sat on the side of the bed.

"E, my man, you gotta get down."

"No, mama."

"You have to get ready for camp. Remember the horses?"


"Yeah, you don't want to miss out."

"No. No."

"Good then let's get you ready." Eissa got down and Toni picked him up. "You want to wear iron man today?"

"Yeah. Ironman." I went back into Amena's room. She had put a soap beard on her face.

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