Chapter 11

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"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down."

"No! What you need to do is tell me where my daughter is!"

"Ma'am, as I've told you, you have to wait."

"Says who?!" The nurse was quiet and rolled her eyes.
"Bitch! Don't make me come across this desk." Toni grabbed my waist.

"Breathe, baby."

"I heard there was a commotion and you asked for me." A doctor came through the door.

"Yes, she is asking about her daughter." said the nurse.

"Of course. Mrs. Jackson, right this way."

"Thank you." The nurse scoffed and I leaned over the desk to smack her but Tommy and TJ caught me and held me. They walked towards the doctor.

"Calm down, Mom."

"I'm fine." I took a deep breath. "You can put me down." They put me down and I followed the doctor.

"We put your daughter in a private area just to be safe." The doctor spoke.

"Thank you." We made it to the room and saw Lia hooked up to machines and bandaged. "Oh my god." I went to the bed and looked at her. "" I softly rubbed her face. "What happened?"

"Your daughter passed out due to severe internal bleeding and major head trauma. Along with that, her body is rejecting her baby."

"What? She's pregnant?" asked Toni.

"Not for long. For some reason her body doesn't respond to any ways to save the baby. The only option is to let the baby miscarry." I nodded. "Just to let you know, since this looks like a case of domestic abuse, I'm obligated to report it to the police."

"We understand."

"Will she recover?" asked TJ.

"Yes. There shouldn't be any permanent damage to her brain, but depending on her recovery, she may need surgery to fix one of her ribs."


"Will she wake up?" asked Tommy.

"We have her in a medically induced coma because her pain levels were too much for her. We can bring her out soon."

"Good. Thank you." I said.

"No problem." He left out and I immediately started crying. Toni came and hugged me.

"I know, baby. I know."

"I messed up."

"No you didn't."

"I should've protected her better. Why didn't I fight harder?" Toni sat us down and let me cry into her chest. My heart broke for my baby girl. Mostly because this was the last thing I wanted for her. I've been in this position more than once and I never wanted to see my babies like this.

"Listen, breathe." Toni lifted my head. "She's going to be okay. Let's focus on that first. Our baby will live. We can worry about the other part later. Okay?" I nodded.

"Okay." I looked back at Lia and said a silent prayer for her.

"Where is she? Oh my god." Jordan came in with Josiah and Corrina. Josiah went to her side and cried.

"Where were you?" asked Toni. "I thought y'all got here first."

"We did, but we needed a minute after they made sure she was okay." said Jordan.

"Corrina, baby, how are you?" I asked her. She was silent. "Come here." She sat next to me and I pulled her into me.

"I was so scared, Mama J. We were talking while I helped her get cleaned up and when I turned around to get a towel, she was just under the water, not breathing. I thought she died." Tears fell down her face.

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