Chapter 7

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"Tay, just ignore her. She doesn't realize how special you are." Tommy hugged Taylor as they sat on the couch.

"It's just not fair. She's so mean to me. I didn't even do anything." When Bianca told him what happened, he immediately came over to comfort Taylor. They had become incredibly close even though they still fought like enemies. However, no one else was allowed to make fun of Taylor except him.

"I know. Sometimes life just deals you a shitty hand."

"I guess so."

"But everything's not shitty. You have a great husband. He's not as awesome as me, but who is?" Taylor
smacked her lips. "I'm serious. Your biological mom may never see how great you are but God gave you an amazing mom."

"That's true." She looked at me. "Thanks, Mama J."

"Anytime, sweetie." I rubbed her shoulder. "I never liked the bitch anyway." I mumbled then felt a hit on my hand. I looked over at TJ. "What?"

"Don't 'what' me. You know what you said."

"And?" He shook his head. "Anyway, Taylor, you never have to worry. I always have your back."

"Thanks." She hugged me. I heard the door open and slam shut.

"Mama, it's not that big of a deal." I heard Lia's voice.

"Not a big deal! Are you serious right now!" I immediately jumped up and went to the door. What I saw pissed me off.

"Lia! What the hell?!" I held her face and she moved away.

"Mom." She groaned.

"Did he do this to you? He hit you again!"

"Again?! What do you mean again?!" Toni yelled at me.

"Yes, again, Toni."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Not now." I looked at Lia. "What happened?"


"Oh my god! Lia!" Tommy and TJ walked in.

"Where that nigga at?" TJ asked. Lia groaned.

"Oh great." she said.

"Oh great?" said Tommy. "This boy put his hands on you and you mad at us?"

"The hell?" said TJ.

"Can you guys just stop? Jeez. It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? You're black and blue all over your face and neck."

"What happened?" asked Taylor.

"Just an argument. Not a big deal. We worked it out. Can you guys drop it?" TJ and Tommy were very upset.

"Lia, I just can't..." TJ was cut off by the door opening. Keyon walked in. Bianca held Tommy's arm.

"Yo, Lia. You ready or what?"

"I'm coming."

"Where you going?" asked Tommy.

"Back to school."

"Not with him. We'll take you." said TJ.

"Naw, I got her." said Keyon.

"Nigga, you better..." TJ was ready to go at him but Taylor held him. ""

"I know. Just breathe." said Taylor. I looked at Lia.

"Lia, baby, let's talk. Come with me, please."

"Mom, I'm fine." Lia walked off and went upstairs. Tommy, TJ and Toni looked at Keyon.

"I'll wait out here for her."

"Yeah, get out before I mess you up." said Tommy. Keyon scoffed and left. Tommy almost made it to the door, but I pulled his arm. "Mom, let me get this dude."

"No. You can't."

"Why?" I sighed. Lia came back downstairs with her bags.

"Bye guys. Love you."

"Lia.." TJ spoke. "Why you going with him? He is beating on you."

"It's not like that. I swear. It was just a disagreement."

"No, this is abuse. You need to leave him." said Tommy.

"You guys don't know him like I do. He's just going through a hard time right now and he was upset. It's fine. I'll see you guys later." She opened the door.

"Fine. Hopefully you're not in a casket by then." said TJ. She looked at him before leaving out.

"Bruh!" Tommy punched the wall and created a hole.
"I want to kill this nigga. Why would you stop me?" He looked at me.

"Because we can't save her." I said.

"Is that why you aint tell me?" asked Toni.

"Yes." I sighed. "Look, I want to kill him more than anyone. That's my baby. I carried her, I pushed her out, I...." I took a deep breath. "I want to kill him. Every fiber of my being wants me to get in my car and do whatever I could to him, but I can't."

"Why?" asked Toni.

"She's not ready. Look at what happened. The abuse is all over her face. She knows this is abuse. She knows he's no good. Hell, this is almost an exact replica of my marriage to Kamal, which she knows about. But she's not ready. She doesn't want to be saved. Right now we're the enemy."

"How?" asked TJ. I sighed.

"Well...this is the first real relationship she's been in."

"You mean like her first...time?" asked Bianca.

"Yes. This boy has made her feel a certain way about herself. She feels like a woman with him."

"How do you know that?" asked TJ.

"Any woman will tell you that, there's something about your first time. There's something you feel in you change. Sex is considered something for women. So when someone looks at you in that way and makes you feel those things, you want to hold onto that."

"Really?" TJ and Tommy looked at Bianca and Taylor. They both nodded.

"But what she doesn't know is that there's more to it. If he was a good guy she'd have that other part, but he's not. So all she has to go on is that twisted feeling of being a woman that he gives her. She feels in control and powerful. When she's with us, she feels like that twelve year old girl who wasn't allowed to have a true boyfriend. She doesn't like that. That's why she's going back. Plus he's a master manipulator. I can see it. He has a hold on her and until her mind becomes clear, she'll never see him for who he is."

"How did you do it?" asked Toni.

"I don't want her to do what I did?"

"What did you do?"

"It's not important. Just know it wasn't my best decision." They looked at each other. "We just have to be there when she's ready to be free from him."

They all sighed and went into the living room. I sat down by the window and looked outside. Lia and Keyon were still sitting in the car. He was visibly upset and she was trying to calm him down. All I could do was pray that she could see the light.


Keyon better get it together


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