Chapter 4

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"Mama J, I just don't know."

"Taylor, I'm telling you, you should try it."

"It just doesn't seem comfortable."

"It's not meant to be. Plus it's only on for like two seconds anyway." She sighed.

"Bianca what do you think?" Bianca spun around in the mirror. "Bianca." She jumped and looked at us.


"Do you think I should get it?"


"But Tristan never talked about liking these types of things. What if it looks ugly on me?"

"I used to think the same way until I realized that Toni had seen me on my worst day and still looked at me like I was dressed up."

"You still wear these?"

"Yeah." She sighed again. "Okay, how about we get something a little easier. Right, Bianca?" She was now looking at her butt in the mirror. "Bianca!" She jumped again.

"Sorry. I just really like this. I'm going to get it." She went into the dressing room. I shook my head.

"Come on." Taylor and I went back to look at the options. "What about this one?" She shook her head. "Sweetie, why are you nervous all of a sudden? This was your idea."

"Yeah, I know." She looked down.

"What's the matter?" She picked at her fingers.

"I saw my mom the other day."


"I've gained weight, Mama J."


"I can't wear this stuff. I'd look like a wrapped ham."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because it's true. I don't want Tristan to look at me and be grossed out then he'll leave me and I'll be alone."

"Sweetie, TJ loves you."

"Yeah, while I'm small and not fat. What if I get fat?"

"What did I tell you about letting your mom get into your head?"

"I know."

"It's not good for you."

"I know. I just can't seem to move past this."

"Are you still seeing the therapist I connected you with?" She looked down. "Taylor."

"I'm sorry. I stopped going because mom said it would make me look crazy and I don't want to embarrass her."

"Taylor, I'm going to give you some tough love here."


"You're a grown ass married woman. You have two bachelors and are in medical school, which you pay for yourself with a scholarship and an excellent job. You're 24 years old. Stop letting your mother dictate what your life is and how you feel about yourself."


"No, buts. What are you going to do if you and TJ have kids?"

"What do you mean?"

"You might have children one day and there's going to be moments where you and your husband need to make decisions. You'll have to be able to stand firm in your choices without someone coming behind to undermine you or negate what you say. And if you don't stop this behavior now, she'll be running your household. Don't let her."

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