Woes Of A Spear Boy

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(Cao Cao POV)

"Creativity is an amazing thing," I think to myself as I proceed to fall into the small pond near my house. After getting up from the water, I try to gather chakra at my feet again to begin the exercise. I can feel Cato and Celestine watching in interest as wizards, while able to fly, require a lot of power to do so. In regards to walking on water, I may look like the second coming of Jesus at this point.

Again, the irony is not lost on me, considering what sacred gear I'm using, but regardless, after being able to learn tree walking Cato, made fun of me for making a pseudo Spider-Man impression.

The reason he knows about Spider-Man and not the knock-off versions in this world is because I have allowed them access to my memories to entertain them. It's nothing personal; it's just media I have watched.

I never plan to show them the fact that this universe is an anime as it would send the gear into chaos due to the mass existential crises, so I am simply showing them various things so they can give me ideas.

For example, being able to walk on water, I should be able to start learning how to use my chakra in other ways. Ceslestine wants me to use my chakra to form light rays like Darui through his storm release.

Cato simply wants to study this power further, and after showing him the memory of the shadow clone jutsu, he leaves and has not said anything to Celestine for the past couple of hours. But I did hear them muttering about how the shadow clone jutsu was literally cheating.

This makes sense as with a powerful mind and large chakra pool; training can be trivialized through simply brute force, forcing it with clones. It does make me wonder what other abilities I should add to my arsenal, but one stands out to me, that being Haki.

Simply said, it enables one to use one's own spiritual energy/ spirit to increase and develop a variety of powers and abilities. These abilities could vary from hardening one's body to feeling the presence of others and much more. The possibilities were vast as, due to its being of a spiritual nature, it would allow me to harm spiritual enemies with my bare hands.

Also, it would allow me to use and enhance the potential of my body, and when taught to others, it is a great starting point. Also, observational haki is broken in most instances.

The only real weakness of being able to see a couple of seconds into the future is having the bodily reaction time, as even if one can see the future, being able to dodge is an entirely different matter.

To that, I say they should be trained by Abridged Piccolo.

Sensing my LP store after the two days of training my water walking and tree climbing, with the former not quite up to snuff, I spent surprisingly 200,000 LP as I could only get Observational and Armament Haki as the last one is an innate trait.

This brings me down to 145,600 LP, and after some thought, I decided to use it on some defensive abilities. Or at least, I would if not for the fact that my luck has struck again.

Using my ability to sense chakra around me, I felt multiple presences surround me. After taking out my spear, I immediately got myself ready, and after hearing the notching of multiple bows, I heard one shout to me, "Identify yourself, male!"

To which I responded by saying, "Is it not polite to say one's own name when asking for someone else's? What have I done to provoke such a hostile response?"

They did not take that well. As they all fired their bows and, using my spear, I spun it around me, deflecting all the arrows to which I pat myself on the back for that one as Cato said that it would be too impractical.

Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI In DXD)Where stories live. Discover now