Survival Of The Spear Boy Begins

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(Cao Cao POV)

"I greet the Queen Of Shadows, God Slayer, and the instructor of Setanta and Connla, and I have come to bargain," I say while kneeling, to which she simply stares at me with a dangerous look on her face. The woman then asks merely in a flat tone, "And what have you come to bargain for Longinus Wielder? My body, my love, or my training?"

"I would argue for all three, but simply, I am but a small mote of light amongst burning infernos and seek guidance in making use of my potential. I seek the strength to thrive and see my enemies felled and my allies enjoying the fruits of their labor."

The woman raises her brow and says, "A worthy goal, but how are you going to accomplish this? The world is not kind to those seeking their own path. My current accommodations are a perfect example."

Looking her in the eyes, I say to her, "By simply becoming strong enough where no person would think to do so, a simple plan but one that has always heralded results.

Look to beings like Shiva and Great Red; they are not beholden to anyone but to their own desires and ideals. Might does not make right, but it does allow a person to make their own version of what is right."

The woman then nods as she adds, "Well, I am not unreasonable, and while you have made the journey here, you shall be tested. Three months in deepest parts of the land of shadow."

This seems too easy for me, but I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Then she says, "But since you wield that sphere specifically, I'm going to add an addendum to the challenge: you cannot wield that spear under any circumstance for three months, but I'm not one to leave someone without a means to defend themselves."

Taking the common spear, she had next to her, she tossed it at me with the sharp end blitzing right at me.

Using my telekinesis, I caught it mid-air, and thankfully, she barely used strength, or else I would have become a Cao kebab.

Her eyes remained focused as she said, "In three months, I shall call you back to this castle. If you survive, I shall test you once more, and once you pass both tests, I will consider making you my student."

Then, with a wave of her hand, I am teleported into the middle of an endless battlefield. And at that moment, all the shades that were fighting each other turned to me and charged, and so a wave of darkness approached me.

But I had assumed that she would create this extra challenge, so using my LP, I created another skill called Holy Affinity (DXD). It cost 100,000 LP, which left me near empty again, but I felt a new power unlock within my magic core, and taking the spear Scathach gave me, I used armament haki and holy power together and cut through the shades.

Unlike when you kill them normally due to the influence of both haki and holy power, they are permanently dispelled. This is due to Haki being able to cause spiritual damage via the difference in willpower.

And since these shades had no will, they cut through them like a hot knife through butter, and with my haki coating the spear, it helped to reinforce it and keep it from being damaged.

And so, as the shaed continued to rush me in droves, I fought and fought for hours, and their numbers, while dwindling, seemed endless. This was due to the fact that whenever a person was killed by Scathach, they would appear here as a punishment. And she has killed a lot of people in her time.

One shade tried to stab in the back, to which I swept its legs with my spear and then impaled it through the chest along with the shade behind it. And then, removing my spear from it, I made a wide arcing motion and swept through another group of shades, and as the battle continued, my observational haki improved as the shade's movements became more easily readable.

Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI In DXD)Where stories live. Discover now